Friday, March 28, 2025

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WTF VOD: The James Cameron-Directed Bill Paxton-Lead Music Video Starring Kathryn Bigelow

Lord, this is too good not to post. You know when you think of ideas that seem great at the time, but years later are painfully embarrassing? Yikes, this is it. Essentially, this is the gist of it. Bill Paxton once had a rock band called Martini Ranch (we won’t even go there) and in 1988, James Cameron, who was still then with filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow (“Strange Days,” “The Hurt Locker,” Cameron wife number 3 of 5 running 1989–1991), directed a music video for Martini Ranch’s awesome very, ’80s-ish country-rock song, “Reach.” And of course since Cameron and Bigelow were dating, guess who played the sultry, Wild West gunslinger in the clip? Yup, Bigelow. Man, this is borderline defamation of character… and not just for Bigelow. One of the worst parts about the clip is that the song doesn’t even start until the 2:45 mark, evidently Cameron and the band really believed in their concept.

And props to Movieline for digging this up. Remember, never put anything on film or video ever, it will come back to haunt you. Oh and Martini Ranch’s one album? Called, Holy Cow. Yup, sit with that one for a while, see what you come up with.

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