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Writers Tease “Psychotic 1950s Cap” For ‘Captain America 3’

Captain America 1950s

The general public has barely been able to catch a glimpse of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (thought the first ten minutes of the movie are right here) and yet we are already talking about the third Captain America movie. Last week, we learned that “Captain America 3” would get released on May 6th, 2016 which created a lot of buzz since it’s the same release date of the upcoming Batman/Superman film. And while plot details regarding future Marvel films usually tend be fairly tight-lipped, some interesting info regarding “Captain America 3” has recently been leaked to the public, thanks to screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely.

In an interview with Den of Geek, the screenwriters talked about the direction they would be heading to with the third film. Says Christopher Markus: “We’ve definitely set out on a more realistic road in the Cap movies, you know. Even more grounded than in the other MCU movies. And so it kind of rules out Cap fighting the Dinosaur Man or something like that. There are some that aren’t gonna start and other ones that — I mean there’s a couple we’re playing with right now that we really want to take elements from. Which we’ll not reveal.” Then after a little bit of prying from the interviewer, Markus added, “All I’m saying is psychotic 1950s Cap.”

So, to what extent will the third film feature William Burnside? The writers didn’t say, but this bit of information should definitely be interesting to fans of the Captain America comics. In the 1950s, Captain America was briefly revived by Stan Lee and was battling communists but those ‘50s plotlines were totally forgotten when Lee revived the character once again in 1964. The second revival had explained Capt. America’s absence by saying he was frozen after World War II, thus the 1950s comics were considered outside of the official canon.

This changed in 1972 by Steve Englehart who tied in the 1950s plotlines with the official continuity by explaining that another man, William Burnside, briefly became Captain America in the 1950s but the side effects of the super soldier serum given to Burnside had caused him to go insane which later lead him to becoming brainwashed by a Neo-Nazi army (of which he became leader of). 

Clearly, there’s a wealth of material there for Markus and McFeely to take from and even those who aren’t familiar with the Captain America canon should be excited about the possibilities here. But, that’s not for another two years. In the meantime, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” comes out on April 4th. [via Collider]

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  1. I got the vibe that was more of a joke. Chris Evans is still under contract for the third film, why would they just recast and go with a fake captain america that wouldn't even be a part of the current marvel universe in any connective capacity.


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