Spike Jonze’s “Where The Wild Things Are” has been rated PG for “mild thematic elements, some adventure action and brief language.”
Wow, not even PG-13? Does that the creep factor of the monsters has been way toned down? There was some seriously disturbing fights between the monsters in the screenplay (our review) with one of them being seriously wounded. Does that mean elements like that being cut? Does this mean kids won’t cry anymore or run out of the theaters? Does this mean adults aren’t to love the shit out of it as much as they hope to? Let’s at least hope the emotional elements are there. Call it mild cause for concern. [RopesOfSilicon]
The film being rated PG can't seriously come as a surprise to anyone?
I wouldn't freak out that much yet, as one needs to only remember the last The Chronicles of Narnia getting a PG rating or WB somehow paying off the MPAA, er, managing to avoid an R for The Dark Knight.
Obviously i wet my pants here. But only mildly.
nothings fucking cut, jesus christ.
No more arms getting ripped off? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Why would someone adapt a book for small children into a PG-13 movie? In what Bizarro universe would that make sense?