So Spike Jonze’s “Where The Wild Things Are” is rated PG and safe for kids, right? RIGHT? No child will ever cry or be left behind at one of these screenings, right? Not even a small whimper or even genuine sadness tear because god forbid if children cry at this thing it means the terrorists have won, yes?
Well, in what is either a semi last-minute bid to get more news out there, have audiences see it twice or simply pay more money for their ticket, Warner Bros. is making sure the live-action adaptation of Maurice Sendak’s beloved child’s novel will be presented in the IMAX format.
Or maybe, just maybe, this is Jonze’s way to slightly frighten children with those big, hairy, stinking creatures looming out at the screen at you? OK, maybe that’s just our wishful thinking because we really want a sad, scary ‘Wild Things’ movie, but hey, IMAX! What would Raaaandy, we mean, Aziz say? [DVD Creation]