Monday, February 10, 2025

Got a Tip?

We’re Going To War: 6 Clips From ‘Gangster Squad’

nullYou might have missed it, but last month, Warren Beatty's underrated and colorfully over-the-top "Dick Tracy" made its bow on Blu-ray. So why are we bringing up that 20-plus-year-old movie? Because watching these six clips from "Gangster Squad," we're getting a similar vibe of a scenery chewing, visually audacious approach, though the results don't quite look as compelling.

There's no doubt this thing is packed with star power: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Josh Brolin, Sean Penn, Anthony Mackie, Giovanni Ribisi, Nick Nolte….damn. But as these glimpses at the movie bear out, it seems a bit tonally all over the place. It looks as if the movie both wants to be larger than life and push the stereotypes a bit over the edge (see Gosling's squeaky, affected voice) but also be viciously violent, and yet a piece of popcorn entertainment. Somehow, it doesn't seem to quite come together, but we hope we're wrong.

Anyway, judge yourself and see if Gosling and the gang can take down Penn's feared gangster Mickey Cohen on January 11th. 

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