Yet another clip from the highly anticipated “The Social Network” has arrived, this time with Justin Timberlake as Napster founder Sean Parker engaging in a morning-after verbal lobby with Stanford student Amelia Ritter (Dakota Johnson).
We saw the film last week at the New York Film Festival and while we think it’s grand entertainment, it’s not the life changing cinema event some people would have you believe. It’s an extremely accomplished genre flick, and while some people are already polishing the Best Picture Oscar for the film, we might need to remind them that a good chunk of Academy voters are older whose only knowledge of Facebook is what their grandchildren tell them. It should also be considered this kind of Oscar hype was leveled at “Inception” this summer before it leveled out; a lot can happen between now and February (with a small handful of films including “True Grit” and “The Fighter” still yet to screen for critics).
We probably don’t need to remind you that “The Social Network” opens this Friday, October 1st. [MTV]
might some of those people already polishing the Best Picture Oscar for the film include yourselves???
You guys have have been posting constantly about this movie for months now, you gave it a A- rating and wrote the following "For the haters that think it looks dumb, you're entitled to that opinion, but are you guys gonna freak when this one becomes a major Oscar player, because that IS coming and if you think it's not you're fools."
c'mon guys, stand by the decisions and statements you make!!
Different writers, different opinions.
There's a couple Playlist writers that actually know films outside the mainstream (e.g. Sam C. Mac), but a bunch more that seem fresh off the AICN boat.
Old or not here's why this film wins Best Pic: because the Academy wants to give it to a popular mainstream flick that isn't completely retarded.
This film getting such good reviews may have cemented it. Personally, I think it wins. It definitely won't be beaten by THE KINGS SPEECH (although Firth may win for Best Actor).
I think there's been a bit of a backlash over these past few years regarding Oscar winning movies not catching on with the viewing public. AMPAS want ratings, relevance. That's why they expanded to ten nominees from five in the first place; that's why they'll reward this film now. They WANT to seem cool, hip, with it. Never underestimate the power of WANT.
Will it be the best film? Probably not, but so what. Since when has the Academy Awards been anything but popularity contest, inside Hollywood jerk off fest?
After it wins, the heads of haters will collectively explode across the internets. But remember, it's only a stupid Oscar.
@babyJesus Everything you're saying is what was argued last year by "Avatar" and "The Dark Knight" fanboys and was totally refuted when "The Hurt Locker" won. Sorry, "Inception" or "The Social Network" won't be winning best picture. Not gonna happen.
I already voted for The Human Centipede.
I agree that this was argued by fans of Avatar last year. This has been the thinking for the past couple of years. That's the reason why I qualified the comment by saying they want a mainstream film "not completely retarded."
After all, who even cares anymore that the Hurt Locker won? I bet most of the public couldn't even tell you which film won the Academy Award for Best Picture last year.
It's just my opinion. I may be totally wrong (and it wouldn't be the first time), but it's what I think will happen.
@3rd poster: "C. Robert Cargill, (Massawyrm at AICN) is always worth a read.
Why would anyone want to watch this movie?!
Because it's written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by David Fincher? Or am I talking crazytalk?
Don't bother Gabe, there's a faction here that are just gonna hate on it no matter what.
I didn't even like it as much as everyone else did and I still think it's definitely worth paying to see. My grade is probably around a [B] or a [B+], but most of the team seemed to be around an [A].
I don't want to look like a jackass doing a complete 180 in less than 24 hours but, having just watched the TRUE GRIT trailer, it might not win after all. I think TRUE GRIT will be a serious contender as well.
Although I think Sorkin wins for sure, Coens or no Coens.