The first trailer for Todd Phillips highly anticipated followup to “The Hangover” and we’re slightly….underwhelmed.
Granted, this is a very early glimpse at the film that focuses heavily on its two lead stars Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis with only a brief look at Jamie Foxx and none of Michelle Monaghan and RZA. That being said, it basically looks like Galifianakis is playing the same manchild character from “The Hangover” while the very funny Downey Jr. seems to be relegated to straight man status. The film is a road trip story a about a businessman (RDJ) racing across the country for his child’s birth, sidelined with the unwanted problem of a wannabe actor (Galifianakis; Michelle Monaghan plays Downey Jr.’s wife). We’re hoping this first trailer is just marketing to get the attention of “The Hangover” fanbase and not too indicative of the final product. We love all the talent involved, but we really didn’t like this spot as much as we wanted to.
Anyway, Warner Bros. has big hopes for the film as they’ve slotted it to lead the Thanksgiving/Christmas moviegoing season, opening on November 5th.
Gotta say I disagree, this looks killer. I'm onboard.
This looks great to me. I love simple, brisk concept movies like this with great cast.
Galifianakis IS the new Charles Grodin.