While Marvel seems to have its game plan nailed down when it comes to promoting its movies, Warner Bros. tends to take a throw-it-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks approach for its aborning DC Extended Universe. So after two brand new TV spots with bits of new footage, even more info as to the events of "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" has been unveiled in a fresh trailer.
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You know the drill by now: it’s Batman versus Superman, with Lex Luthor pulling the strings behind the scenes. Meanwhile, it seems that according to this trailer, Wonder Woman will take a flight at some point to Gotham and/or Metropolis to join in the action.
"Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" arrives on March 25th.
Only thing new is the advertisement from Turkish Airways
Never visiting this web
site again. Luring people in claiming to have new footage when its not is pathetic XD losers
wow, your bias is showing. what kind of a journalist are you to make such bias news article. Marvel isn\’t that perfect you know. They\’re spewing mediocrity for the past couple of years now and you fanboys are still eating it up. Also, DC has showed you that they can make a universe as effective and as grand or, dare I say, even better than Marvel, in less than twice the time that marvel used to accomplish it.
F you Kevin Jagernauth, if you\’re going to have an article talking about the footage in "the new trailer that was just released" … don\’t embed the f\’n trailer that came out last year you jackhole!!!!! mother frackin click-bater. I hope you get syphilis from an escaped gorilla.
Everyone complaining that this trailer is a year old aren\’t quite right. They stuck in a new shot of Wonder Woman on a plane. It only lasts about a second, but it\’s something we haven\’t seen before.
Done with this website. I\’m fed up with your misleading social media clickbait. Done. Please hire someone else to do your social media.
It\’s Interesting that people complained about the last trailer because they said it showed to much. Now people are complaining that this one did not show enough.
ok so by now most have figured out that it\’s Bizarro Superman shooting his lasers, when those guards bow down, it\’s for Bizarro Superman.
Most of the trailer is old but the bit having WW boarding the plane is new. My question is why. Is WW not able to fly in this DC World? When WW was re-launched in the late 80\’s by George Perez, it was established that WW can fly. I hope DC is not taking that away from her in the film version. She was given the power of flight by Hermes.
This is a new trailer with new footage. However, the new footage is only a few seconds.
Well this is a huge letdown. How do you not realize this is an old trailer?
What does Marvel have to do with BvS footage?
This is a pathetic FAIL. As said already, this trailer is a YEAR OLD.
Seriously. I thought this was some brand-new footage.
If by new trailer you mean the one that\’s a year old.