Everyone already has an opinion on "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice," which was either the Worst Movie Ever Made or The Second Coming, depending on who you asked a few months ago. The narrative seems to have shifted since the first trailer and fans seems genuinely excited for Zack Snyder‘s "Man Of Steel" followup. Today, Snyder and the full cast Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg, Gal Gadot, Amy Adams, and more were at San Diego Comic-Con where they unveiled a new trailer, new footage, and more.
The latest story sees Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne on opposite sides in a movie that finds the population of the world wary of this all-powerful alien from another world. It’s a theme that carries over from "Man Of Steel" and it’s an interesting one to explore. But what about a masked vigilante delivering his own brand of justice? How is that better? Questions to be answered in the movie, certainly.
"Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice" arrives on March 25, 2016. Guaranteed the die-hards will be singing a new tune now. Watch the new trailer and check out tweet context and details below to give you more flavor from the event. Update: Watch the whole Comic-Con panel as well. 2nd Update: There’s also a new theatrical trailer for the film, running a minute or so shorter than the Comic-Con one.
Exclusive new art for #BatmanvSuperman: Dawn of Justice revealed. #SDCC pic.twitter.com/MtcABpVowF
— Batman v Superman (@BatmanvSuperman) July 11, 2015
"He has the power to wipe out the entire human race. I have to destroy him." #BatmanvSuperman #sdcc
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) July 11, 2015
They played BvS footage again. It ends with Superman ripping roof off Batmobile and Batman standing up slowly to stare him down. #SDCC
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) July 11, 2015
Showed trailer again. Teases Batman’s past with Joker.
— Travis Hopson (@punchycritic) July 11, 2015
NEW trailer plays back. Kicks off Bruce Wayne running to collapsed Wayne Tower, which Superman destroyed. "Now I have to destroy hiim"
— Stuart Oldham (@s_oldham) July 11, 2015
Lex Luthor: "Black and Blue…God vs Man…Day vs Night" #BatmanVSuperman #SDCC
— Stuart Oldham (@s_oldham) July 11, 2015
BATMAN V SUPERMAN comic con trailer is 3 min 11 seconds according to Snyder. Playing it again right now
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) July 11, 2015
Superman and Batman! #sdcc #BatmanvSuperman pic.twitter.com/jQsX3Fu9Ux
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) July 11, 2015
Aflleck says in Batman v Superman, Metropolis is the more successful city and Gotham is "the place where more downtrodden people live."
— Ben Fritz (@benfritz) July 11, 2015
Snyder on Batman’s larger suit in Dawn of Justice: "It’s not really enhancing his strength more than it is protecting him from Superman."
— Stuart Oldham (@s_oldham) July 11, 2015
Superman practically rips Batman out of the Bat mobile. #SDCC2015
— Travis Hopson (@punchycritic) July 11, 2015
"It’s a self preservation concept. It’s not enhancing his strength.. [helps] buy him time" – Snyder on the Mech Batsuit #BatmanvSuperman
— Gotham News (@GothamNews_) July 11, 2015
#BatmanVSuperman trailer had a crazy ton of action, lots of Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman in action and I swear I saw Zod in a body bag.
— Bible Of Zack Snyder (@ZackSnyderBible) July 11, 2015
Zack Snyder on the big enhanced Batman suit #sdcc #BatmanvSuperman pic.twitter.com/VMesN8v1d7
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) July 11, 2015
"I’ve wanted to be Lois Lane since I was five years old." – Amy Adams @batmanvsuperman #SDCC #HallH pic.twitter.com/LoIZd0zmfq
— Warner Bros Pictures (@wbpictures) July 11, 2015
I love following Comic-Con tweets, even when this happens. pic.twitter.com/mpzKZsertA
— Jacob Hall (@JacobSHall) July 11, 2015
Holly Hunter playing entirely original character because @ZackSnyder REALLY wanted to work with her.
— Rob Keyes (@rob_keyes) July 11, 2015
Batfleck #BatmanvSuperman #SDCC2015 pic.twitter.com/iIatKGlELw
— LatinoReview-Kel (@Latinoreview) July 11, 2015
"This is a huge opportunity to show the strong, beautiful side of women," says Wonder Woman @GalGadot. Lot of praise for strong women today
— Lucas Shaw (@Lucas_Shaw) July 11, 2015
Batman is at the end of his rope. He’s older, kind of a burnout. pic.twitter.com/aYQElUGU0Q
— JoBlo.com (@joblocom) July 11, 2015
Amy Adams: I’ve never been to Comic-Con, I just realized. You guys are awesome! #sdcc
— Carly Mallenbaum (@ThatGirlCarly) July 11, 2015
Batman AND Superman! #SDCC #BatmanvSuperman #ComicCon pic.twitter.com/CDL5mq9VCu
— The Aquaman Shrine (@AquamanShrine) July 11, 2015
We are all going to have to discuss Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor hair, which will haunt my nightmares for eternity #BatmanvSuperman
— jen yamato (@jenyamato) July 11, 2015
Gal Gadot on Wonder Woman: "I’ve been given a wonderful opportunity to show the strong, beautiful side of women. I feel very privileged."
— Josh Rottenberg (@joshrottenberg) July 11, 2015
Eisenberg chants "the red capes are coming the red capes are coming." is awesome
— LatinoReview-Kel (@Latinoreview) July 11, 2015
BATMAN V SUPERMAN TRAILER also features first footage of Wonder Woman fighting in costume
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) July 11, 2015
"He is a little different, my Alfred. There are surprises in store…" Jeremy Irons. #batmanvsuperman #sdcc
— Empire Magazine (@empiremagazine) July 11, 2015
I’m having trouble listening to Zack Snyder, because I’m distracted by how utterly miserable #batfleck looks on the panel. I feel sad #sdcc
— Carly Mallenbaum (@ThatGirlCarly) July 11, 2015
You do see Bruce Wayne’s parents getting shot.
— LatinoReview-Kel (@Latinoreview) July 11, 2015
Snyder says big rule they broke is put Gotham next to Metropolis in their universe. Sister cities across a big pay. Oakland/SF thing. #SDCC
— gregoryellwood (@HitFixGregory) July 11, 2015
Seen: kryptonite, Wonder Woman in action, Bats V Supes action, and so much more. #SDCC
— JoBlo.com (@joblocom) July 11, 2015
Batman V Superman trailer was way fucking better than that last trailer. Snyder is definitely answering fan criticisms of Man of Steel.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) July 11, 2015
Seen: Bruce Wayne at the Battle of Metropolis watching the destruction, then staring at the sky, enraged. #SDCC #BvS
— JoBlo.com (@joblocom) July 11, 2015
Man of Steel destruction fight scene is part of the Bruce Wayne scene and you see a Wayne logo next to him embracing a young girl.
— LatinoReview-Kel (@Latinoreview) July 11, 2015
The long trailer for BATMAN V SUPERMAN that just played at #ComicCon, includes shot of Bruce Wayne at Battle of Metropolis from Man of Steel
— Adam B. Vary (@adambvary) July 11, 2015
BvS trailer has a sequence of MAN OF STEEL city destruction that goes head-on into 9/11 imagery, with Bruce Wayne running into the chaos.
— Russ Fischer (@russfischer) July 11, 2015
Standing ovation for wicked #BatmanvSuperman footage at #sdcc pic.twitter.com/yae38Ah7lg
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) July 11, 2015
BATMAN V SUPERMAN trailer gets standing ovation. It’s holy fucking shit awesome.
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) July 11, 2015
BATMAN V SUPERMAN trailer suggests there are some real alterations to established storylines. I dig it.
— Russ Fischer (@russfischer) July 11, 2015
Zack Snyder diretor de BvS na #WBSDCC #SDCC #SDCC2015 pic.twitter.com/1Ozu8aPpHK
— Steven Rogers ™ (@_Steven_Rogers_) July 11, 2015
LEX LUTHORRRR #SDCC2015 #SDCC #ComicCon2015 #WBSDCC #BatmanvSuperman pic.twitter.com/L3Bmk2ABEo
— Suelen Dias (@ItsSuelen) July 11, 2015
‘BATMAN V SUPERMAN’ pic.twitter.com/pZkoli85Ni
— Superhero Feed (@SuperheroFeed) July 11, 2015
Check it: #BatmanvSuperman cast arrives at #sdcc pic.twitter.com/NLZW5pwqdj
— ErikDavis (@ErikDavis) July 11, 2015
Batfleck. pic.twitter.com/lpxSJTO8vQ
— jen yamato (@jenyamato) July 11, 2015
Zack Snyder introducing us #BatmanVSuperman #SDCC #HallH pic.twitter.com/LGl5ZEnypW
— Schmoes Know (@SchmoesKnow) July 11, 2015
Zack Snyder pic.twitter.com/lpFTTUAh1R
— Heroic Hollywood (@heroichollywood) July 11, 2015
SUICIDE SQUAD sizzle reel. Logo unveiled.
— Borys Kit (@Borys_Kit) July 11, 2015
The GREEN LANTERN movie is titled ‘GREEN LANTERN CORPS’. RT pic.twitter.com/UfP9HcWP1d
— Superhero Feed (@SuperheroFeed) July 11, 2015
Warners announces the next Green Lantern movie will be GREEN LANTERN CORPS.
— ScreenCrush (@screencrushnews) July 11, 2015
Warners announces the next Green Lantern movie will be GREEN LANTERN CORPS.
— ScreenCrush (@screencrushnews) July 11, 2015
— LatinoReview-Kel (@Latinoreview) July 11, 2015
Green Lantern Corps!
— Heroic Hollywood (@heroichollywood) July 11, 2015
A thrilling #DC concept art showreel in #sdcc. The room is buzzing. "I love you Zack Snyder!" Screams one fan.
— Empire Magazine (@empiremagazine) July 11, 2015
Concept art for all the #DCFilm slate. Cyborg, Flash, Aquaman, Justice League, Green Lantern Corps
— Gotham News (@GothamNews_) July 11, 2015
This just happened!!! #Batmobile drove by at #SDCC2015 w/ @ZackSnyder! He threw t-shirts & talked! @BatmanvSuperman pic.twitter.com/Y1HfiQnirN
— John Steven Rocha (@TheRochaSays) July 11, 2015
This is how we roll. #Batmobile #BatmanvSuperman #SDCC pic.twitter.com/10sah0YWbl
— Batman v Superman (@BatmanvSuperman) July 11, 2015
Who wants a t-shirt? @ZackSnyder stops by the #HallH line in the batmobile. #BatmanvSuperman #SDCC pic.twitter.com/CQAlXhBLBY
— Batman v Superman (@BatmanvSuperman) July 11, 2015
#BatmanvSuperman pic.twitter.com/36sIoHxD06
— DC Comics (@DCComics) July 11, 2015
When are they going to start making good movies again? It\’s 2015 and we keep getting the same refurbished crap over and over and over again. Old men running Hollywood acting like 15 year old boys. Enough already!
"Oh, look, Zack Snyder cast CGI and slow motion as the stars of his new movie. "
Before you use this as the basis for your criticism, remember – it\’s a Trailer. Typical Trailer Techniques.
Although really disappointed with Affleck\’s casting, this Movie is now looking intriguing. Gadot sure looked Dynamic & really Dig the Look of all the Snyder Films.
I love Batman as a character, so I have no prejudicial ill will toward DC or this project, but this looks like a mess. Too many characters, too much plot, no atmosphere, few good images. I think Affleck could be a great Batman, too, under the right circumstances. But I don\’t think this mash up was the right way to go at all
It\’s a weird 180 degree turn on Martha Kent\’s character between this and Man of Steel. Suddenly she\’s pulling down Jonathan Kent\’s "Maybe apathy is the best approach" attitude? What the hell is up with that?!? It worked (arguably) for a different vision of "Pa" Kent that just about everyone can recollect but slapping it on "Ma" now, seemingly \’just because\’ they can, is so jarring and makes me less appreciative of the character in the confines of these films. Also, holy Christ – you guys have crammed enough Twitter embeds into this article to make it seem like Warner Bros. cut you in for a piece of the marketing revenue.
The more I see of the film the less enthused am I about seeing it. I was not impressed with MoS. I suspect I\’ll be even less so with this iteration…
Couldn\’t have said it better myself.
Oh, look, Zack Snyder cast CGI and slow motion as the stars of his new movie. What bold ground for him to break, especially as a director of a reboot. And is that our first glimpse of heavy handed symbolism and metaphor that I see?
God knows how much we need depth in superhero movies, but maybe the best route to take there would be subtlety and characterization instead of throwing in visuals in line with an eight year old\’s idea of profundity.
"Oh, look, Zack Snyder cast CGI and slow motion as the stars of his new movie. "
Before you use this as the basis for your criticism, remember – it’s a Trailer. Typical Trailer Techniques.
Although really disappointed with Affleck’s casting, this Movie is now looking intriguing. Gadot sure looked Dynamic & really Dig the Look of all the Snyder Films.