Can we call it a day yet on “[Insert Whatever] In The Style Of Wes Anderson“? Probably not. The filmmaker continues to inspire, for better or worse, no shortage of comedians, tribute artists and more to pay homage to or parody his work. In the past month we’ve seen the opening credits of “Forrest Gump” redone in an approximation of Wes Anderson‘s particular aesthetic, as well as a visual mixtape supercut of his movies. And now, we go porno.
The folks at Nacho Punch have put together “The Grand Sausage Pizza,” which as you might guess, is Wes Anderson done in the style of XXX movies. Oddly though, despite the title, this is more of a riff on “The Royal Tenenbaums,” and it’s fine. Not quite gut busting, with lots of puns about tents and going inside of things, this could pass for a real porno with more nudity and lower production values. Anyway, check it all out below. [via Reddit]
It wasn't a paint-by-numbers homage. Quite funny, within the beat of the style. Kinda wish it was a real pron site though