Christmas Day is less than 24 hours away, and thank God, because this exhausting 12 days of "Deadpool" marketing blitz will finally be over with the arrival of a new trailer. But you can get a taste of what’s coming with a couple of new TV spots and images from movie, which find the smart-mouthed tone in full overdrive.
I get it, comic book movies have been a certain way for years, and change is always good, but the hyper self-awareness of "Deadpool" walks a fine line between being clever and self-congratulatory. And I dunno, for me, the movie seems to be in the latter category at the moment.
Check out the new TV spots below, and see the movie when it opens on February 12, 2016.
I… I can\’t believe I don\’t completely hate the look of Colossus in this. That poster though, that is undeniably terrible.
We get it, buddy. You don\’t like Deadpool. Move on.