Well, it looks like David O. Russell‘s “American Hustle” is going to have a run for its money when it comes to sprawling ’70s crime sagas that feature really silly hair and mustaches, as the new trailer has just dropped for Guillaume Canet‘s “Blood Ties,” starring Clive Owen, Billy Crudup, Mila Kunis, Matthias Schoenaerts, Zoe Saldana, Marion Cotillard and James Caan. The film, which we were iffy about at Cannes, will be screening at the Toronto International Film Festival soon.
The trailer sets up a complicated, crime-laced story wherein Owen, after serving nearly a decade in the slammer, is released to deal with his old business associates as well as his family members (his cop brother is played by Crudup). There is a ton of yelling and people getting shot in the head and the F-word (technically, this is NSFW but only mildly so). Basically, it trots out a bunch of great actors and movie stars and lets you ogle at how even in ridiculous ’70s garb they still look utterly fabulous.
“Blood Ties” was co-written by James Gray, whose next film as a director, “The Lost City of Z,” just got a very high-profile leading man in Benedict Cumberbatch, and the combination of the two directors’ sensibilities seems like it could produce something unique and hugely entertaining. Before 2010’s little-seen “Little White Lies,” Canet made the killer thriller “Tell No One.” This looks like much more along the lines of “Tell No One” and despite initial reports that found the film lacking, we’re still pretty jazzed. No American release date has been set, so in the meantime you can watch the trailer below (courtesy of Bleeding Cool).
watch it while you anticipate the remake
that's what i did with,,
oldboy -spike lee
girl dragon tattoo -fincher
headhunters -wahlberg
secret in their eyes -denzel
starbuck -vince vaughan
I really liked "Tell No One", but reviews on this one seem to be mixed at best so far. Maybe he could trim some fat off that running time.