The first trailer for Tarsem's upcoming "Mirror Mirror" was pure, unadulterated camp. But with this new trailer for the film now arriving we're beginning to understand exactly who this movie was made for. And it's not us.
It would seem all the chest puffing between Universal and Relativity over their movies was pointless because where "Snow White And The Huntsman" is going darker and more mature approach, "Mirror Mirror" has swung completely in the opposite direction. It's not for the 'Huntsman' audience and it's not for us. It's for 8 year-old girls. With a broadly slapstick tone, bright garish colors, and no attempt to hide that it's clearly been shot entirely on a soundstage (that forest most of all is distractingly plastic looking and fake), Julia Roberts, Lily Collins and especially Armie Hammer are pitching this right to the kid set, with broad jokes and goofy humor, but it left us mostly scratching our head.
That's not necessarily a bad thing, but clearly, we're not the target market. But that doesn't mean it's review proof. Collins plays cutesy which is fine if kind of forgettable while Roberts looks like she'd rather be in another movie. But Hammer of all people seems to have found the sweet spot this movie is going for and this writer would be lying if he said he didn't chuckle at the puppy love gag.
Anyway, we'll seen how it all comes together when the movie arrives on March 30th. Watch the new trailer and a featurette on the movie below. [ComingSoon/THR]
Midgets can't punch for shit!
🙁 I was hoping Tarsem would go dark with this..since his two movies The Cell and The Fall were fantastic.
Eiko Ishioka is incredible with her costumes.
Worth noting: the movie's Oscar-winning costume designer, Eiko Ishioka, passed away today at age 73.
This looks horrible. The Bermuda ad before the trailer played was more interesting.
Snow White should trim her eyebrows…