Such is the state of the horror genre that we’re more used to digesting news about (another) "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" prequel than anything resembling an original concept or project. So the excitement around "The Babadook" is notable. It made waves at the Sundance Film Festival in January, and is set to hit Fantastic Fest next month. So here’s a new-ish trailer for the film.
Marking the directorial debut of filmmaker Jennifer Kent, who raised funds via Kickstarter, and starring Essie Davis (Baz Luhrmann’s “Australia”) and Noah Wiseman, the story follows a mother and son who are terrorized by a creature from a children’s book. But as our own Rodrigo Perez wrote in his review, it’s about so much more, stating that "the thematic depth says volumes about the unique needs of children, but also the understanding and empathy necessary in order to fully understand their various aggressions."
IFC Films will release the film on November 28. Check out the trailer and new pics below.
I watched it in France.I liked the fact that the movie is well-made and doesn't look cheap.The kid is really convincing and the mum is a perfect Mia Farrow ( for sme reasons,i always thought she was nevrotic).The end is a few disappointing but enough funny
I can't wait to see this one!
A date has been set. November 28.
This is a great horror movie. Was almost totally ignored in Australia, which is a damn shame.