Dividing audiences at the Tribeca Film Festival when it premiered earlier this year, Tony Kaye's education world drama "Detachment" promises to leave you with a strong opinion no matter which side you're on. And this new international trailer for the film is definitely the most compelling yet.
The film finds Adrien Brody playing Henry Barthe, a substitute teacher whose relationships with three women change his cynical outlook on his profession. This latest glimpse, like every other tease we've seen of the film so far, is a mixed bag with some earnest scenes not playing very well (the "you don't have to be angry with me" scene is pretty over-the-top) mixed with some genuinely charged emotions and some attractive camerawork by Kaye. A rundown public school has never been filmed with more energy, which is a nice contrast to how they are usually portrayed in films of this sort. And OH SHIT CLAY DAVIS FROM THE WIRE IS IN THIS . Sorry, Isiah Whitlock Jr. always gets us a bit excited and he's joined by Christina Hendricks, Lucy Liu, James Caan, Marcia Gay Harden, Blythe Danner, Tim Blake Nelson, William Petersen and Bryan Cranston in supporting roles.
While there is no exact release date just yet, this one is coming soon from Tribeca Films with a VOD/theatrical rollout planned. Get a taste of what's to come below.
Bravo. Compelling story and having been a substitute teacher; a must see.
This is a film seems amazingly touchable, supposed to be another one of my favorites besides Young Adult, with Adrien Brody's impressive performance shares another same common sense with me "you always look unhappy"(told by one his student). Also Tony Kaye seems another awesome inspiring outcaster artist.
Can't wait to see it, finally something good for Adrien Brody.