Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Watch: Mystique Character Trailer Hits For ‘X-Men: First Class’

We can’t even begin to imagine what the marketing budget on “X-Men: First Class” will be, but clearly, Fox are outspending their rivals with new TV spots, posters and now, character based trailers landing seemingly every other day.

Following yesterday’s spots for Banshee, Havok and Beast, we now have one for Mystique. Like the others, it runs about a minute long and actually seems to be made up of half the footage from the Beast spot. Unlike those ones however, this one doesn’t seem to be stilted by weird line readings (though the lovey dovey stuff with Beast is kind of irritating) and the last moment with Magneto is pretty cool.

So yeah, more glimpses of ‘First Class’ to keep reminding you this opens on June 3rd. At the rate this is going, you will have seen the whole movie before it even opens. Check out the video below courtesy of ComingSoon and watch it in crisp HD over at Facebook.

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  1. Its pretty much obvious from the trailer that they are showing mystique before she was comfortable with her mutation leading up to her embracing it which i kinda like better

  2. Wow. I preferred yesterday\’s spots over this. The little kid moment, Jen delivering her claim for her hero name, the reused Beast material, and the hammed up lines from Fassbender. I\’m still excited for this, but the two actors i\’m most interested in, came across as bland here.

  3. One thing that kinda\’ weirds me out is how Kid Mystique looked. She looks like a kid going out on Halloween as Mystique and even her line reading sounds the same.

  4. I disagree. Her motivations for why and when she looks the way she does are in this one not theoretical or symbolic, but character based, which is more interesting.

  5. I\’m not sure I like how they appear to be handling Mystique in this movie. The reason the character worked so well in the original trilogy is because the scaly blue appearance was her \”natural\” look and she was never without it unless she was consciously in disguise. From these trailers, it looks like she\’s spending a considerable amount of time in \”First Class\” looking exactly like Jennifer Lawrence, and as a result the blue scaly Mystique makeup looks more like makeup.

    Also, since the character design in the original trilogy was meant to represent the beauty of the human body, seeing her in uniform just feels… wrong.


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