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Watch: Kristen Stewart, Anne Hathaway & Brie Larson Back Up Jenny Lewis In Video For “Just One Of The Guys”

Jenny Lewis Just One Of The Guys Anne HathawayIt has been six years since Jenny Lewis‘ previous solo album, Acid Tongue, but she’s been busy. In the interim, she dropped the collaborative I’m Having Fun Now under Jenny & Jonny, and she also did film work, scoring and writing songs for the indie flicks "Very Good Girls" and "Song One." And so, she gets set to launch her new album Voyager later this month, the former actress has called in a few Hollywood favors.

Kristen Stewart, Brie Larson and Anne Hathaway (who stars in "Song One") all play back up in the music video for "Just One The Guys," the first single from the record. The trio switch it up from all-white clad band for Lewis, to becoming the titular dudes, all wearing tracksuits and fake moustaches. It’s a fun face on a bit of a serious song about the expectations placed on women as they get older, but sometimes you gotta put sugar in the medicine to make it go down. Voyager drops on July 29th. Watch below.

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  1. another reason I wouldn't trust Kristen , probably is her attitude , chose to do cosm knowing Rob was going to work with the director

    now theres lots of articles that Rob only got that role idol eye because of Kristen , asking the director to give him the part, which is even worse that its when she was filming cosm, I doubt she will bother to say anything and allow people to give her credit, nothing to do with her
    if she was truly sorry at least, she wouldn't have done cosm

    last year she wore a hat a lot with mercanaries on it, no loyalties,despite her contradicting herself, I guess she would think its ok so long as your honest about it

  2. Reese W saying hes constantly lying , then admitted he hadn't, he called her out on the G Norton show, she was cross that he had told the story she was supposed to tell,
    lot of nasty articles and he kept being asked about sneezing on her , dirty, spoilt the promotion, people would believe that because at the beging of twi very obsessive lot ofattention on his hair, sying his hair more famous than him it got realy silly, when he cut his hair articles has Rob commited career suicide! he had his hair stolen when he had a haircut ,
    lot of articles sex hair, in the beging he didn't wash his hair for 6 wks did look awful, don't blame him but it didn't stop, nasty sites got nastier, just posted old pic, saying sexy, it only stoped when he said he had nits , which does sound wrong to say that, criticised, but ifyou have a obsessive fan base and sites encourage it you need to try and stop it, not helping but going against his career, far to much attention, mostly obsessive, also obsessive hate
    Peter who played his dad in twi posted a video stroking his pet pig saying he doesnt know where the rumours come from he doesn't seem very nice I don't understand why he was at the rover premier
    kellan played his brother in twi he did a clothes range but joked Rob could do Robs rags kelan got .5m articles real project, Rob got 1.5m false, think the joke backfired
    Tom Cruise did a sketch with him, dirty, took a long time to die down thinks humour will help, which it should,
    calm down then Rese sets it off again, he had told everyone he showered every day, not his hair still in the beginning in interviews guests were asked to smell him say how he smelt! from the reactions he smelt just fine
    she was cross he said she had played his mum but everyone knew and was asking him about it but she was cross as if he was trying to show her up, on the G Norton show she said it ok, but very sarcastic on other inteviews , the twi guy
    since then she lied to an officer when she was drunk with her husband saying she was pregnant when she wasn't
    articles said he went to hers when he split up but I doubt it but it was also reported he was in a lotof other places

  3. I made a comment about Kristen drugs before, Elle interview will be published in September, its not on line in full, previous inteviews have been, but she mentions again seen (08) Michael pipe,saying she thought at the time " I need to be more aware of that", hopefully in the interview she will address the issue more sensibly, but contradicts attitude in 2012
    but I still don't understand mentioned again now,
    earlier in 2014 marie Claire implying shes never taken drugs, wouldn't do well on drugs,
    2012 admitted to variety she smokes pot, concern was, so what attitude, now 2014 saying at the time need to be aware, but 2012 was very aware obsessive and young audience with twi, irresponsible to have this attitude, if she was aware
    didn't understand why she left it four years to say anything then saying it,
    don't understand shes done lots of film inc drugs but not questioned opinion,
    2008 pic with her then bf michael pipe
    lot of people hate Rob thinking he got he involved with drugs, but nothing mentioned for 4 yrs, annoyed that she keeps saying she doesn't pretend to be something shes not then does

    wish Kristen fans would accept that there are reasons people dis like or are cross with her, without then being determined to make him look worse over nothing, lot of comments lately saying hes always contradicting himself, liar, only over silly things, not caught out lying , they only know he has because he says, or he says something silly when someone else says different
    Reese W accused him of constantly lying, then admitted he hadn't, she had, hes "lied " exaggerated, or not gone against his family, lied knowing the royal family, constantly asked, assume hed think people know its a joke, dressed up by his sisters, hand modelling rings, his mum said he hadn't, said his reality and dreams must be merging, and maybe just a pony tail,

    she seems to be giving vey different opinions, information depending on comments,
    which IS very different to Rob , hes not trying to deceive or saying anything serious, think people realise hes being silly,

    recently lot of comments that he doesn't care attitude, across to them, but not concerned that Kristen has many times actually said in video interviews effect of do what you want and don't care other people

    recently a lot of comments suggesting , based on nothing that he gets angry, drunk and has a drink problem, due to recent interview, beer, and 2013 he was being pushed by papz, with friends from uk, pushed one back couldn't move, but caught he wrong guy, was ok with him because of the situation, nothing like that has happened since

    no concern at Kristen for loosing her temper many times, no suggestion due to drugs or she need rehab suggesting for Rob?

  4. the more I think about kristen in this video the more it annoys me, Iwant to be one of the guys but something inside wont let me, she dresses very tom boyish, swears a lot, her film about having an inappropriate relationship with her boss in festivals befor two years after having an inappropriate relationship with her boss director, everything she does and says seems to be very calculated and maniplative,it worries me that a lot of her fans dont question anything and just go along with it
    I hope she is asked about what she thinks these words mean, doubt she will be or she wil concentrate on it being about older women, or just say how much fun it was
    I dont know if she was approached for this or organised by kristens PR which is her job to help her have a good public image, but atleast it is good PR for her showing her having fun, though I cant help thinking shes having a laugh at other people,in interviews she doesnt come over very well, recently said in an interview for indiewire she doesnt like actors who are captivating " some of them F ing love it they would be here now captivating you, that goes against my grain, " makes no sense to me, if she was meaning it at Rob even more snidey as he has said he is deliberatly silly in interviews to stop media, commentators making serious statements out of what he says, as soon as he was for The Rover sites went back to linking everything he said to being all about kristen which im sure she would be aware of
    I dont think I ll change my mind on her and maybe its time to gove up trying

  5. The song in this video is pedestrian and the people involved in it demonstrate that they will do anything for publicity. Today Kristen Stewart was photographed driving around in a black Mini Cooper, like the one she used for her public affair with the married Rupert Sanders.

    And today is the 2 year anniversary of those 50 photos being published in US Weekly. I cannot believe the gall, but I don't know why I should be surprised. Maybe she's studied Kim Kardashian and is going to exploit her sleazy sex romp now.

    Stewart has said she stands by her mistakes and "is comfortable" with them. She doesn't give a crap about anyone else, just as long as she gets what she wants. Who cares who she destroys in the process? I can't believe people choose to work with her.

  6. This is a funny video and very good. Kristen so good at it, love to see it.
    Nice see the girls so much fun for all of us.

  7. So of all the feminist arguments they go with "I should be aloud to be as sleazy as men without harsh judgment" wow okay, great. That is more important than other rights women have been fighting for

  8. some people like to discuss and understand people, an idea not just go along with everything, no one has been able to give me any of the words to the song that I couldn’t understand, no one whos getting annoyed is able to give an explanation to the song,
    I don’t like Rob being treated so differently seems to be analysed and receives very negative articles when others don’t, but Kristen must realise people are going to question her motives when she chooses to do things, an article on indiewire that Kristen wasn’t re hired for SWATH because of sexism is ridiculous, I watched a trailer for COSM and I was abruptly told I had got the wrong idea and they don’t get involved, other content made me suspicious why she chose the film, agreed and filming less than a year after her indiscretion, in festivals less than two years,
    I look at a video titled “one of the guys” Kristen in a moustache I cant help but think, I am allowed to think and have an opinion were not in a dictatorship yet, that shes saying she wants to be treated as a guy , how things were dealt with the indiscretion, lot of comments said she was treated worse, but she made an apology that made things worse choosing to meet up with someone you don’t need to have contact with is not a momentry indiscretion,and naming Rob when she hadn’t before, then after twi promotion shes back to I ll do what I want I don’t care , just because some men think they can do whatever they want, women having the same attitude is not equality we should be aiming for
    As a lot of you say kristens not trying to say anything , she often says a lot without explaining what she means, Im just saying that is the impression I had from her involvement in this video Surely Kristen thinks something when she chooses to do things, I cant help wondering if Rupert will watch this and think it’s a dig at him?
    I re read the article, I don’t think this is a very good , positive song if its just “Im getting older, cant have kids but older men are allowed to have fun,I can understand it being difficult for some women , I love my kids but I m glad all that is over now,video very negative and depressing and giving in to that idea a fun song showing women having fun would have been better ,comes across feeling sorry for herself and giving up, it would also be nice if people had some imagination and didn’t just think sex sleeping around is all that matters, and the only thing that makes you worth something, if I still have completely wrong idea then offer an other opinion other than means nothing get a life

  9. lol. what is it with you people? did you not get called on enough in class? there are things flying over your heads, can't you hear them? look up and get a clue. this is a heartfelt song about one singer's personal feelings and it's just a funny, sarcastic video to go with it, all contrapuntal-like. good lord, lighten up. and read some books why don'tcha?

  10. Surprised as the confusion over women in drag. People have less humor now than in Shakespearean times. Ever read or see Twelfth Night. Gender switching is a common device in opera too.

  11. Looks like Jenny Lewis assembled two thirds of the biggest turn offs for her back up band. Is this supposed to make her look better in comparison? Strange. Kristen Stewart and Anne Hathaway have been at the top of the Most Unlikable Actresses list for the past few years. Was Gwenyth Paltrow busy? Oh, I forgot, she can actually sing.

    Lewis has been kicking around for years but never made it big, but if she thinks this will help, she's wrong. KStew starred in music video a couple of years ago and the song never went anywhere, either. The music video she "co-directed" was a flop, too. She's more of a negative than a positive at this point. Still livin' on that Twilight name recognition.

  12. Great idea to get famous young women to help convey the message of equal rights between genders, horrible idea to make the case that Women should be aloud to be as sleazy as men without being shamed cause that's really going to progress society.

  13. @Confused, I think you are somewhat confused. This is Jenny Lewis's song and video. Kristen, Anne and Brie are just a part of Jenny video. It is Jenny's message and concept. Kristen, Anne and Brie are not saying anything…. Jenny is. The video has nothing to do with Kristen or Rob. Nor does it have anything to do with Anne or Brie. Even Jenny might not be sending some secret message. Sometimes a song is a song and a silly video is just a silly video. As for Kristen and Rob photo shoots…. Rob and Kristen do not pick the clothes, the theme/concept…. they show up and get their pictures taken.

  14. Maybe I’m just too old to get this, if someone could “politely” explain it me I would appreciate it , I don’t get women with moustaches, look act like men to be seen as equal? A woman being equally as bad as a guy isn’t a good thing, All I could hear is “same as the guys” “…difference is I don’t have a baby” I tried to search for the lyrics but couldn’t find any
    I wrote a comment recently that I read hers and Robs articles I think it’s unfair they are treated differently, Rob worse far more negative, that I also read hers to try and understand her as she confuses the heck out of me , things like this don’t help, unless for her “one of the guys “ means if men can mess around , cheat so can women, as I said women being as bad as men is not a good thing or progression but deterioration just because things happen doesn't mean it's a good thing to promote it as ok
    I couldn’t help but think of her photo shoot pictures Rob had just done a set to reflect cronenburgs films he was in the pictures looking at himself (character)with a woman so on, she then did a photo shoot with split pictures just of herself looking at herself which was very odd and narcissistic dressed like a man in a suit looking at herself in erotic clothes, I wasn’t sure what she was trying to say with it ,this is even more confusing

  15. Kristen is amazing!! She has always said se felt like one of the guys and that's just her. A laid back, no drama kind of person. Ann Hathaway is so cute in this too. Its a catchy song and Kristen been funny and having a laugh is just great to see!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  16. Confused by how this video is about young women being surpressed by society? If anything society today pushes females to be feminine, I understand the concept of the actors wanting to be treated equal as men but why do they convey the message that you have to look like and act likr man to be treated like one in this video. Women can be fenimine "With a baby" and strong

  17. If you want to belittle women get a group of young Hollywood stars to wear moustaches and sing about how desperately they want to "be on of the guys" but can't because they're "just a lady"


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