Saturday, October 19, 2024

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Watch: Jeremy Renner & Rachel Weisz Make A Motorcycle Escape In Clip From ‘The Bourne Legacy’

nullBourne is back. Kind of. Well, actually just in title only. While "The Bourne Legacy" may bear the moniker of the character Matt Damon turned into a blockbuster phenomenon across three films, next month Jeremy Renner takes over as man-on-the-run Aaron Cross, with Tony Gilroy — longtime writer of the series — stepping into the director's chair. And it's all shaping up quite well.

With one clip dropping yesterday, a new one has landed today, offering another snapshot from a chase sequence. This time instead of the roof, Aaron and Marta (Rachel Weisz) take a ride through the streets, steps and handrails of Manila, avoiding baddies and the local cops on their tail. After Paul Greengrass' kinetic handheld style, there is almost a classic feel to Gilroy's non-shaky cam approach and it's at least one that lets certain shots (the bad guy's bike jumping into the shot near the end of the clip) sing a little better and clearer. Either way, the action so far looks like it's under an assured hand and we can't wait to see the whole thing.

Co-starring Edward Norton and Oscar Isaac, along with a handful of returning faces including Joan Allen and Albert Finney, "The Bourne Legacy" revs up on August 10th.

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  1. I had a chat with a Biologist friend and looked up recent developments in gene therapy. Both support the fact that gene therapy is being used in an attempt to alter body chemistry and improve the senses e.g. inherited blindness. Although in the early stages, it is clearly not science fiction and such experimental 'tampering' would fit with the techniques used in the previous films.


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