Ingredients: grizzled, growly Clint Eastwood + a sports movie + new fangled tech vs. old school know how + father/daughter story = one treacly movie.
The first trailer for "Trouble With The Curve" has arrived, and actually, it's not unlike "Playing For Keeps" which dropped today as well, just aged up with a few tweaks. Instead of a soccer pro looking for redemption and a new life with his ex-wife and kid, it's an old-timey baseball scout trying to mend fences with his daughter as they chase a promising young player, while his eyesight continues to decline. There's not much nuance here, with Eastwood essentially reprising his "Gran Torino" role and gruffly keeping anyone who tries to make a connection at bay. There's Justin Timberlake trying to win the old man's approval with this charm as well as Amy Adams', and a bunch of faceless baseball drones discounting Eastwood's years of experience "Moneyball" style. And then a "Dr. Phil" joke. Oof.
Not quite what we expected, but seems to be the kind of broad dramedy that should hit a triple with a certain age demographic who don't demand much, if anything. "Trouble With The Curve" takes a swing on September 21st.
The old fart demo needs movies too. This one looks just fine to me.
Not impressed. Adams looks good, Eastwood looks crotchety. I'm by no means a Timberlake hater, but even with this schmaltzy material, JT looks way out of his league.
I see Clint didn't direct this. But at this juncture I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. It is his first film he has acted in but didn't direct since 1989s Pink Cadillac.
Yeah, wasn't the Playlist the one suggesting this was one of the '15 Dark Horses' in the awards race, might want to reconsider that list. This film clearly isn't covering new ground its supposed to be an uplifiting dramedy and unless the trailer isn't revealing the shocking twist where Amy Adams breaks her spine and she and Clint have and emotional reunion and he has to make the euthanasia decison this isn't and never was an awards contender.
Looks really bland. I'm thinking this won't be gone for in a big way by the Academy — Gran Torino reprise in that way
Dear God, the douchechills Timberlake gives are unprecedented. Only Bieber can eclipse his douche-appeal.
Oh, I dunno. It looks alright. My mom will probably like it.
Okay, I have no clue what the damn movie is about.
Embarrassing for all involved…
Amy Adams looks the best in the film, also to mention we should never let a trailer tell us what a film is, I mean look at Hope Springs, it's trailer was very misleading.
I, at the very least, am glad to see Matthew Lillard's getting decent gigs post-'The Descendants'
Kind of dissapointing, I was expecting Clint to be much, much more racist than this