The countdown is on for "Game Of Thrones," with the fourth season kicking off this Sunday night. For those of you who haven’t watched the show, HBO2 is showing all three seasons, back-to-back, twice, (not an April Fool’s joke) starting this Friday at 9 AM. For those of you already caught up, and perhaps needing something to take the edge off the wait, here’s a little treat.
It’s spoiler filled, but the folks at Screen Junkies have dropped an Honest Trailer covering the first three seasons of "Game Of Thrones." Yep, it’s "the abusive show you keep watching, no matter how many times it hurts you." Ha. And the spot points out the incest, beheadings, attempted child murders and more that are part of this pop culture phenomenon, that takes place in Westeros, where everything is a noun. Amazing.
Take a look below, have a good laugh, and we’ll see you on Sunday.