As mostly middling reviews for "Entourage" arrive (read ours), people are coming to realize what they probably should have for a few years now: the TV show was never really that good. It was a diverting half-hour at best, but in later seasons it became difficult to give the show a pass. But in case you didn’t have time to go back and watch "Entourage," Screen Junkies has done it for you for their latest Honest Trailers entry.
Said junkie pretty much hit the nail on the head by summarizing the show as nothing but babes, bros, butts and brunch. Their rundown of the characters is equally on point: Vince has no charisma for someone who’s supposed to be a star; Eric is no fun; Turtle is the everyman who pretty much matches the viewer demographic; Kevin Dillon is basically playing himself —the less famous sibling of another actor (Matt Dillon)— and Ari is awful. Meanwhile, the show —just like the movie— had little dramatic stakes, presenting a white-washed Los Angeles ruled by bros and where women are either sex objects or hags. Douse yourself in Axe and experience bro culture below.
I\’m With Kevin for once. I was never an Entourage guy at all. Was more into Curb Your Enthusiasm and Weeds. Silicon Valley is the far superior HBO comedy about dudes
And I\’m sure you have a lot of those things…in the basement
All that did was remind me how awesome Entourage was. $$$, partying, and hot vag all rule. You should try them sometime, KJ.