What do Simon Pegg and Clint Eastwood have in common, other than handsome looks? Both actors have had the pleasure and privilege of saying something cool and clever before knocking off a bad guy. A new supercut from Plot Point Productions — via Live For Films — serves up the cool pre-mortem lines in a nice digestible five-minute chunk.
Split into two halves, the supercut gives equal weight to both the line spouted by the heroes and the carnage that happens directly after. Some actors show up multiple times, like Kurt Russell and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and even a filmmaker like Christopher Nolan has two entries on the list. It goes to show you that no matter how cerebral you are, it’s hard to escape the allure of saying something cool right before killing off a villain.
Watch “SUPERCUT: The Pre-Mortem One-Liner” below and let us know what your second-favorite one-liner is, because we all know number one is Wesley Snipes in “Blade” letting us know that “Some motherfuckers are always tryin’ to iceskate uphill.”