"Transformers: Age Of Extinction" isn’t the only Michael Bay joint coming this summer. While his robots will smash and explode things this weekend, in August his Platinum Dunes shingle reteams with former Bay foe Megan Fox, with the actress headlining "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." No, she isn’t actually one of the turtles (we’d watch the shit out of that movie), but April O’Neil, who uncovers our pizza loving heroes who are just trying to save the world.
This franchise actually has some pretty ardent fans, so we’re really wondering how they’ll take this new, full length, international trailer . Certainly, the action is Bay-esque, with big city destruction, lots of flips and people running from things. But the latter half of the trailer is a pretty misjudged, cutting together a lot of scenes with some dubstep, because the kids are still into that apparently. But we will say this, Shredder looks like a worthy villain, though after watching this thing, we’re not sure if want to hear the English version.
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" arrives on August 8th. Watch below. Update: English version below, COWABUNGA!
Is it me or did they base their turtle designs on Whoopie Goldberg?
My childhood has officially become a rape victim.