It’s been a long time since we’ve had the Rob Reiner that made “The Princess Bride,” “When Harry Met Sally” and “Stand By Me.” The filmmakers last two efforts were the barely seen “Flipped” and “The Magic Of Belle Isle,” while “The Bucket List” was successful schlock. And that seems like that description will apply to “And So It Goes.”
Starring Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton, it seems this movie will fill your quota of old people jokes that didn’t make the editorial cut at Reader’s Digest. As for the story, it follows a jerkstore real estate agent who has his life thrown into chaos when his estranged son drops a granddaughter he never knew existed on his doorstep. Uh oh!
Surely lots of hijinks follows. Find out how below. “And So It Goes” opens on July 14th. [Vlicious]
I did not think it was possible for Michael Douglas to destroy the credibility boost and general good will he got from "Behind the Candelabra" in a single film. I was wrong.
This looks to be an tragedy for everyone involved.
And what, pray tell, is the direction that you offer Diane Keaton to get her to gesticulate in such a ridiculous fashion at the 37 second mark? Do you tell her that her character is secretly a witch and she is casting a spell? Do you tell her that her character's exaspiration has caused her to lose control of her limbs?
What the hell is that?!
No one does that in the real world unless they are having a seizure.
So sad. Watch "Shoot the Moon" sometime. Her instincts used to be dead on.
Clearly Rob Reiner learned nothing about direction on the set of "The Wolf of Wall Street"