Director Lynn Shelton has carved out a career of telling intimate stories driven by complex characters, with tales that toe the line between drama and comedy, and easily fall into both camps. And while most of her films had tended to stick to the indie circuit, her upcoming "Laggies" has a chance to find a bigger audience.
Led by Chloe Moretz and Keira Knightley, and co-starring Sam Rockwell, Mark Webber, Ellie Kemper, Jeff Garlin, Gretchen Mol and Kaitlyn Dever, the film follows the 28-eight-year old Megan who is an the midst of an early life crisis. When her boyfriend proposes, she freaks, and instead starts hanging around sixteen year-old Annika and her single Dad. It’s an unusual situation perhaps, but this is prime territory of Shelton, who usually manages to spin something unique out of the unlikeliest circumstances (read our review from Sundance here).
"Laggies" opens on October 24th. Watch below.
That would an irony if Keira will win Golden Globe for Best Actress in a musical or comedy, she has "Begin Again" as well.
It looks like it will be a funny comedy.
"look at the nipples on this guy" – she pretty much won me over in that trailer. f*in adorable and loose, which is rare in most things Knightley does.
keira's accent is pretty much perfect. i saw a film a decade ago i cant remember of now in which she had an american accent and it was decent. this film looks great as well. stoked.
sam rockwell is perfection, as usual. kiera knightley is so miscast and that accent is terrible. she has no comedic timing and was grating in the trailer alone.