Trying to get a handle on just what the Coens are going to deliver with "Hail, Caesar!" has been tricky. Alex Karpovsky has said it’s "wacky and zany," while the film’s composer and longtime collaborator Carter Burwell was a bit more reserved.
READ MORE: The Films of the Coen Brothers Ranked
"It’s a musical comedy that takes place on a Hollywood backlot, so you pass through all these pictures that are in production there," he said in the spring. "I wouldn’t actually call it a ‘musical comedy’….I’m quite certain it’s actually going to be quite the opposite. It’s going to be rather serious, and it’s about faith. It’s not about the music." So what it’s like? Well, we now have the first trailer.
The star-studded cast includes Josh Brolin, George Clooney, Ralph Fiennes, Tilda Swinton, Channing Tatum, Scarlett Johansson and Jonah Hill, who bring the project to life. It finds the directors taking on Hollywood, perhaps a bit more directly than they did with the more surreal "Barton Fink," in the story that follows a single day in the life of a studio fixer who is presented with plenty of problems to fix.
"Hail, Caesar!" opens on February 5, 2016. Watch below.
I agree, LULU. This looks like something closer to what the Coen\’s were able to achieve with O Brother Where Art Thou. This is definitely on my must-watch list for 2016.
Ugh! Why do highfalutin\’ types always disavow the Coen\’s mad-cap comedies. They\’re more witty and fun than the average comedy. Burn After Reading is pretty brilliant on a number of levels if you\’re willing to look beneath the surface.
looks like a load of old rubbish
I don\’t know what\’s wrong with all you Negative Nellies – this looks fantastic!
Sometimes movies should just be a hell of a lot of fun, and there\’s nothing in the trailer to suggest this won\’t be fun, maybe this time they\’ve nailed the screwball, and if they have they\’d really have pulled something off, that stuff isn\’t easy to do well.
Did you read Burwell\’s quote in the body of the article? It looks to me like this is going to be more of a cross between A SERIOUS MAN\’s inquiry into faith mixed with the broader humor of an O BROTHER, WHERE ART THOU? or RAISING ARIZONA. Which sounds incredible to me. (That said, I also think that INTOLERABLE CRUELTY, THE LADYKILLERS, and BURN AFTER READING are all definitely good movies, though they\’re probably my three least favorites from the Coens.)
Ugh. Why do they waste their talents with these types of movies. Cue the people who say Intolerable Cruelty, Ladykillers and Burn After Reading are good movies.
Dolph Ludgren and a Highlander reunion in a Coen\’s movie. Amazing!