So, is Christopher Nolan‘s “Interstellar” gearing up to be the biggest blockbuster about agriculture ever? That’s certainly the last word on it, as the always-secrecy-prone filmmaker hasn’t let any details slip out about his new movie. Reports during the summer claimed that the future-set story “details the toll climate change has taken on agriculture, with corn the last crop to be cultivated. The scientists embark on a journey through a worm hole into other dimensions in search of somewhere other crops can be grown.” This first trailer for the film certainly goes to the farm.
As per usual with Nolan, there’s not much in the way of major reveals in this teaser (a good chunk of which is stock footage), but the shots of corn and farmland through history certainly suggest those early plot details aren’t far off. Instead, the focus here is on the words delivered by Matthew McConaughey, which are as follows:
We’ve always defined ourselves by the ability to overcome the impossible. And we count these moments, these moments when we dared to aim higher, to break barriers, to reach for the stars, to make the unknown known. We count these moments as our proudest achievements. But we lost all that. And perhaps we’ve just forgotten that we are still pioneers and we’ve barely begun. And that are greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, as our destiny lies above us.
Can man’s next greatest achievement trump landing on the moon? That’s a pretty interesting notion with which to launch a movie—so color us curious, even if this trailer leans a bit toward coming off like a Levi’s ad at times.
Co-starring Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, Anne Hathaway, Casey Affleck, Bill Irwin, Ellen Burstyn, John Lithgow, Wes Bentley, Mackenzie Foy, Timothee Chalamet, Topher Grace, David Oyelowo and Matt Damon, “Interstellar” opens on November 7, 2014. And reminder: this is Nolan’s first film without longtime-collaborator Wally Pfister, with Hoyte Van Hoytema (“Her,” “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,” “The Fighter“) stepping in. How do you think he did?
Watch the trailer below and tell us your thoughts in the comments section.
Love this trailer. Everything he says is spot on We as a society need a wake up call to the things that actually matter. What Justin Bieber ate for breakfast this morning is not breaking news.
McConaughey and Hathaway are the leads, none of them are supporting. Chastain holds the 3rd billing.
Yes our greatest days are behind us the USA that walked on the moon is replaced by affirmative action college buddy of Mooshell's blowing $700million no bid contract on a website that amazon could have made work for $500k.
one year from now ! … f**k off and film something to put in the trailer first …
As an aeronautics engineer, I find Hollywood films about space and exploration to be mind numbingly clichéd and hollow. I suspect this is no different. Pass.
Looks like a winner
"… And that OUR greatest accomplishments cannot be behind us, as our destiny lies above us."
Not "are"
I'm not a particular fan of Nolan's, but I think the teaser works not because it's an effective teaser because of the public's general faith in Nolan's ability to deliver. It definitely sets up for some big reveal in the next trailer and I think will gets fans excited. All I'll say is if Nolan produces a box office hit on the order of "Inception" again, he will basically have a completely blank check to do whatever he wants.
A side note though, Nolan has mentioned his affections for Terrence Malick previously, and I think it's interesting that this teaser seems very influenced by Malick. The rhythmic timing and delivery of McConaughey's narration seems very Malick-esque and the crop-burning and the naturalistically-lit close-ups of gently rustling corn seem right out of "Days of Heaven." Most people have thought of "Interstellar" as Nolan's "2001," maybe it will be more like a Malick film. Nolan has spoke of Malick's influence on him, though I've seen little evidence of that to date, maybe this time it will come through.
This grabs my interest as much as the Gravity trailer, and that's saying a lot. Evocative of the American spirit – so much so that it looks patriotic. Looks substantial and deep and the cinematography is gorgeous! I'm curious to see more, so well done.
63 comments for a frickin' one minute movie teaser… God help us.
tbh as a teaser trailer it's so good…IT'S A TEASER TRAILER FOR GOD'S SAKE! I dont know what people are complaining about!! cant wait to see more next spring!
If you sat me down, said "here's the trailer for the new Zack Snyder space movie", and played this… I'd totally believe it was a Zack Snyder movie. From the montage of historical footage with a voiceover like that to the truck shot. I'm not mad at it or anything, I find it really interesting.
wait… I just this movie, The Astronaut Farmer. It's a remake of the Warner Brothers movie by Warner Brothers. There's a mash up of the two trailers on YouTube, Billy Bob Thornton narrates Interstellar & McConnaughey narrates Astronaut Farmer.
I never understood getting hyped over a teaser trailer. It's like how the Nolan Batman ones were just the logos with some dialogue over top of it.
At least something like the Godzilla teaser tries to show off footage without giving too much plot or dialogue or even actions scenes away.
It's really too early to weigh in on the new cinematography, but the language seems even more popular/mainstream/literally focused and less warm, expressionist than Pfister's. Again, as fun as it is to weigh in, there is very little for us to weigh in on. Nolan likes his teasers, and typically his following first trailer reveals a generous amount about his upcoming pictures (remember how shockingly awesome that first dark knight trailer was?). Excited for spring. Can we expect the first trailer in front of the 300 prequel?
a teaser presented by Chris "terrence Malick" Nolan producer of Zack "terrence malick" Snyder's MAN OF STEEL teaser
i'm a b**tch here (i love the Malick vibe) and the cinematography looks gorgeous
this is very good, can't wait to see the next trailer. beautiful and simple, elegant
Very, very, very earthshaking. Boring. Poor teaser. Sad.
Why release this so soon? I don't get it? This did nothing…
I don't get the fascination with space. Do something about ending war and you'll get my attention. That would truly be reaching beyond all human accomplishment. And that is even simply getting beyond the negative. Don't even think about something positive like world peace, harmony, and perpetual health. In that regard, humanity has already failed and at this point deserves to end and will probably become extinct at its own hand.
Today we've had the shortest ever pop marketing campaign from Beyoncé and started the longest ever film marketing campaign from Nolan.
I'm allowed say "Meh" right? Stock footage and drawl, hey at least it had zero zimmer Brahmmmms.
Can't wait!!! Oh and please there is no Zach Synder vibe….he steals from Nolan, no need to worry this will deliver. Plus after this epic year for Matthew McConaughey and a supporting cast much better than Inception I wouldn't worry in the least.
I don't understand why so many people are complaining about the teaser. It's obvious that WB just wants to put Nolan trailers out really early to create some buzz. TDKR had similar teaser, only few scenes and a logo. These teasers are aimed at people who have never heard of the project, of course film-geeks are underwhelmed because they already know that Nolan's doing this movie.
There's probably not enough material for a full trailer, I'm sure that they would've shown more if there was.
Wanna watch a real trailer, check out the one for Edge of Tomorrow. This was pretty anticlimactic.
The funny thing is this teaser is better than all the films released in 2013.
Anyone know if this is original music by Zimmer or what?
Anybody else getting huge Zack Snyder vibes here? srsly worried about this…
Since Ellen Page isn't in this, who's going to tell us how the movie works????
Christopher Nolan is just high brow Michael Bay.
In order to harvest more corn to fuel our dying planet's combustible engine empire, we must travel to alternate dimensions full of striking architecture, twists, and double-twists.
wheres batman? pass.
maybe in year I'll be interested when they have a legitimate trailer out.
Looks boring, frankly.
It's nice to know someone still knows what a teaser is. I am looking forward to this a great deal.
I have no idea what this film is about but I want to see more Chastain!!
yay! Hoyte van Hoytema is the new Roger Deakins!