Sunday, February 16, 2025

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Watch: First Trailer For ’12 Monkeys’ TV Series, Creators Say “It’s A Complete Reimagining”

Aaron Stockard in "12 Monkeys" on SyfyBecause anything can become a TV show these days, Terry Gilliam‘s "12 Monkeys" is going to be a weekly thing on SyFy. And while our inner cynic would be the first to harumph, one only has to look at FX‘s "Fargo" to see that shows spun off acclaimed (or otherwise) movies don’t have to be bad (though they often are). And while Gilliam has nothing to do with this, the show’s creators insist they are taking the premise of his future world flick about viruses and paranoia, into a different direction.

“It’s a complete reimagining,” co-executive producer Terry Matalas said (via THR). “We were all big fans of the original film and had a deep love and respect for the material. We didn’t want to just redo what the movie does. We wanted it to be grounded and closer to a thriller but that’s not to say we won’t play with tone.” Okay fair game, but what does the first trailer tell us? Well, the plot is very similar—man travels to past to eradicate plague—and there is general vibe that seems similar, which is hardly surprising, but if the series is looking to stake out its own claim on the material, it might have to work a bit harder.

Starring Aaron Sanford and Amanda Schull "12 Monkeys" will air in January 2015. Watch below. [Slashfilm]

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  1. …I'm afraid Terry Gilliam was too much of an important part of the original movie. I'm not saying this can't work but to me it sounds like Twin Peaks without David Lynch…

  2. I'll be skipping this. Syfy cancelled Alphas, probably one of the best scripted shows they had going and yet somehow managed to keep crap around like Lost Girl. Then they try and stuff this derivative junk down the viewing public's throats. I don't think so.


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