"Is the ‘Fantastic Four‘ trailer a remake of the ‘Interstellar‘ trailer?" I quipped on Twitter yesterday morning, and I’m not the only one who had that passing notion when watching the first promo for Josh Trank‘s big budget superhero flick. Just over twenty-four hours later, the inevitable mashup has arrived.
It is a bit uncanny how much the "Fantastic Four" trailer echoed the first "Interstellar" teaser. From the heavy-handed voiceover, to imbuing the proceedings with a sense of awe, wonder and scope, they are somewhat similar in tone. As you’ll see below, visually there are lots of similarities, too. From the dusty, cornfield scenes of the American heartland, to the blue tinged sequences in which characters bravely embark to other worlds. Check it out below. [Live For Films]
"Looks like Interstellar." My first thought on seeing this trailer.
Also, the plane looks straight out of the Bane prologue in The Dark Knight Rises!
At least Josh Trank\’s film doesn\’t have that ugly ass TV movie aesthetic that Joss Whedon and the rest of the Marvel hacks use. Get real, Marvel, your films look like CGI-driven soap operas.
Also, the plane looks straight out of the Bane prologue in The Dark Knight Rises!