There are a couple things that casual audiences might need to know about “Maleficent” before buying a ticket: firstly, how to pronounce the film, and secondly, who exactly this unpronounceable character is and why it matters. And with the new teaser trailer for their summer blockbuster, Disney is answering both those questions.
The new spot kicks off by making a very clear connection to the studio’s beloved animated hit “Sleeping Beauty,” presenting Angelina Jolie‘s take of the villain Maleficent as part of that canon. And then we’re off into lots of new footage from the upcoming movie, with creatures and magic taking center stage. As for the story, it will find Maleficent taking vengeance on the king by cursing his newborn Princess Aurora. But it turns out that young woman may be just what she needs to fight off the invading king’s army. And it looks like an alliance will be formed.
Certainly it looks like a much more epic saga is in store compared to the relatively quaint charm of the original “Sleeping Beauty.” Modern times, y’all. “Maleficent” opens on May 30th.
Looks like JoBlo's YouTube got hit with the takedown 1-2 punch from Disney. Good thing is, Disney has it up on their own official channel.