While Disney has made no secret about the vintage video game/arcade leanings of their upcoming "Wreck-It-Ralph," when it comes to the first clip from the film, they are playing up the adorable elements instead to make sure seats are filled next month.
Sarah Silverman puts away the potty mouth for a moment and instead fits her voice in the pint-sized role of Vanellope von Schweetz from the candy-coated cart-racing game Sugar Rush, who crosses paths with the John C. Reilly's titular character, who tired of being the bad guy, goes on a quest through the arcade's video games. Unfortunately, he accidentally sets off an enemy that threatens everyone. This little scene is enjoyable enough, but if anything, shows off the high gloss world the movie will be dipping folks into.
"Wreck-It-Ralph" opens on November 2nd.
I can't buy Sarah Silverman as an adorable kid. Maybe it'll work better in the movie.