Considering audiences will be getting a full nine minutes in front of IMAX screenings of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," maybe it makes sense that the rest us who aren't going to Peter Jackson's movie on opening weekend will have to be content with this one-minute announcement teaser for now.
So here it is, and we'll be honest, The Playlist wrote this earlier tonight and is in bed right now, and didn't get to see it, so you'll just have to tell us if it's totally awesomeballs or completely sucktacular. As for Benedict Cumberbatch's baddie, the actor is being coy, seeming to suggest he's not all that he seems, even if he stands in front of a ravaged London in the poster. "He is very ruthless,” he told a Tokyo press conference via RadioTimes. "He is not a clearly good or evil character. He is a villain but the actions he takes have intent and reason."
The full trailer will drop on December 17th and the movie will beam into theaters on May 17, 2013.
Update: Well, that all looks very impressive, although we hope the tone isn't as unrelentingly dour as it seems to be here. There's also a Japanese trailer for the film with some extra footage at the end that definitely/maybe/definitely doesn't prove that Cumberbatch is playing Khan/Smaug/Dr. Hugo Strange, and that Kirk/Spock/Tyler Perry almost certainly die/give birth/have a nap at the end of the film. See and speculate for yourself below.
It's obvious in the Japanese trailer that it is Kirk that will sacrifice himself for the crew. That's what BC is asking, if he would do anything for his "family" including dying for them, although it's questionable if he actually does die. The scene with Scotty and Uhura crying will be the same scene that Spock is reaching down to touch the glass for Kirk, who is dying on the other side. It's a great call back to WRATH, but does anyone HONESTLY believe Abrams and co will just copy WRATH? Really? BC is a former member of Starfleet and is after Kirk for revenge, perhaps it is a Gary Mitchell type reason, and while he has a great fight or two with Spock in set photos, this trailer is focused on Kirk and the film will be about him earning his captain chair after the last film showed him gaining the chair, and a captain sacrificing for his crew will be a nice call back to his father in the last movie. I am sincerely surprised so many film websites are giving into the terrible idea of copying WRATH and Spock dying. It's not that hard to put details in movie trailers together and connect dots, and the trailer is obvious. Can the fanboys please stop being hopeful and start getting realistic about film rumors and speculation from now on? BC isn't Kahn or Gary Mitchell. Tom Hardy wasn't Hugo Strange. Daniel Day-Lewis wasn't Moriarti. Bill Murray will not be in GB3. And there is no, and will never be, a Big Lewbowski sequel.
I liked the shots in the red forest best. The rest I seem to have seen before — Avengers, Transformers.
… People were impressed by that!? Just a bunch of shots of explosions, stares, and people screaming… And Cumberbatch, no matter the role, strikes fear in no one.
Yes it has the inception-esque bongs, but really that doesn't harm how fucking impressive this looks. Get used to inception-style trailers it's a marketing tool and really not worth your time to comment on it.
Personally think this trailer looks good enough to have its own style, but hey, whatever works.
Movies were made before your boyfriend Chris Nolan made movies, and I doubt he designs the posters or the cuts the trailers.
Ughh another Nolan rip-off
They stole the poster-design from Nolan, might aswell steal the Inception-style music too.
holy. Fucking. SHIT!!!!!!!!! 😀