While doing so for any movie always seems like you’re taking a moment best experienced in context and distorting it, to try and make clips out of a Terrence Malick film is an especially dicey prospect. His pictures, more than any other, build on cumulative power, so with those caveats in mind, a new snippet from “To The Wonder” lies below.
In this brief sequence from early on in the film (so don’t worry, no spoilers) the couple played by Ben Affleck and Olga Kurylenko, share happier times, visiting Mont Saint-Michel (known, not coincidentally, as The Wonder of the Western World) a monastery on a tidal island off the coast of France, that draws millions of visitors per year. It’s a symbol of sorts in the film of spiritual purity, something that will become soured as the story moves on, and the central relationship begins to fall apart.
“To The Wonder” is now playing in the U.K. and will open in the U.S. on April 12th. Watch below. [BlackBook]
I guess you're one of those guys who think that Avengers is a great movie…
This is just as bad as the average wannabe-artsy studentfilm. I can't understand how anyone can like this trash.