Not to bring things back to Oscar, perhaps a lowest common denominator form of conversation for movies, but it would be some kind of shame if Jake Gyllenhaal doesn’t get a well-deserved nomination for “Nightcrawler” because he’s all kinds of wicked and twisted worthy. Some pundits are questioning whether that’ll happen or not, but I suppose that’s someone else’s concern at the end of the day. Because ultimately, “Nightcrawler” is a deliriously manic ride that everyone involved should be proud of.
Written and directed by veteran screenwriter Dan Gilroy, filmmaker Tony Gilroy’s brother and co-writer on “The Bourne Legacy” among many other projects, “Nightcrawler” is a scathing and savage tour de force drama that comments on media ethics, the bloodsporting of ruthless media, and a growing economic disparity that is cleaving culture. It’s also a dark and funny character study of an obsessive personality in relentless pursuit of his success in the mode of “Ace In The Hole” or the acidic “Network.”
There’s also a third MVP in the movie besides Gyllenhaal’s terrifically committed performance and Gilroy’s sharp, mannered writing and direction. Cinematographer Robert Elswit is his own dazzling star player. Open Road has released a red band trailer, and its as dizzying and thrilling as the movie itself (and quotes my review to boot, or at least gives the grade an amusing shout-out). “Nightcrawler” opens on Halloween next Friday. Watch the trailer below.
I\’d rather see this over Interstellar, or anything from Marvel for that matter. This looks really good. Jake has been turning in one solid performance after the other, it\’s time he got some recognition and some box office.
Where\’s Gabe Toro, still there?