So, you’re sitting back watching the Big Game this Sunday, regretting how many nachos you’ve consumed and wondering when the Red Hot Chili Peppers are gonna finish, when at the commercial break some bearded dude is yelling and there’s a lot of water. Don’t be alarmed, it’s the Super Bowl spot for “Noah.”
That’s right, game day is getting Biblical this weekend, with Paramount rolling out a promo for Darren Aronofsky‘s take on Noah and his ark. And like everyone else, they’re dropping it online early so they don’t have to worry about you forgetting it within the swarm of advertising or missing it when you fall asleep during the third quarter. So take it in below, and rest assured that come Sunday, if you happen to be away from the TV for thirty seconds, you won’t be missing it.
“Noah” opens on March 28th.
Kevin, we're not watching the superbowl.
I feel this is going to be Aronofsky's most divisive movie since The Fountain. Clearly the studio doesn't have much faith in its commercial prospects in trying to market it as a more action-orientated disaster epic than the very slow paced meditative drama I predict it really will be. Regardless, I'm more intrigued than ever.
I think this movie will prove that Aronofsky should never work with a budget over $25 mill.
I wish Aronofsky were a Bigger Selling Point For His Own Movies.
as an atheist, aronofsky enthusiast, open minded person…i'm torn & intrigued.
Walking Tall with a boat.