3D is no longer just the domain of studios looking to add a few extra dollars to each ticket (though it still is mostly that). Serious filmmakers have toyed with the format (Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola, for example), and joining this list is Wong Kar-wai. His martial arts flick, "The Grandmaster," has undergone the three dimensional treatment, with the approval and input of the filmmaker, and now three new trailers, a featurette, and posters have arrived to show what this new version has to offer.
As previously reported, the 3D edit was put together with shorter U.S. cut as a loose guide, however, previously unseen material was also incorporated. The final result? A movie that now runs 111-minutes-long (versus 122 in the original international cut) and apparently has a new structure and more streamlined storytelling. The director worked closely with the effects team on the conversion to make sure everything was to his liking, and he’s pleased with the result. “3D is a very effective method, giving the expression of the story even more space and possibilities,” he told Sina.
Below, you can check out all the promos for "The Grandmaster 3D," which include new footage. The film opens in China on January 8th, but not word yet on if/when it will make a stateside debut. [WongKarWai.net]
the original chinese cut is a good film. still unreleased in the states. even on home video. depressing. if you\’ve only seen the harvey scissorhands version of a film – you haven\’t seen the film.
one bad film is not career ending with Wai\’s talent. he\’ll rebound. Grandmaster was not a bad film, just a little lost in the telling. amazing cinematography and sequences. Blueberry Nights was definitely a let down, though. i personally cannot wait for his next film.
This film stopped being relevant years ago. Wai\’s career really went down the toilet after that stinker Blueberry Nights.
This release has been so bizarre.