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Watch: 2 Bonkers Trailers & New Pics For ‘The Legend Of Kaspar Hauser’ Starring Vincent Gallo

nullWhat’s better than one Vincent Gallo? Apparently, two Vincent Gallos. Yep, fans of the mercurial, eccentric actor can start getting prepared for a double dose of the actor in the upcoming “The Legend Of Kaspar Hauser,” which is as appropriately zany as you might expect a movie starring Gallo can be. Dude just doesn’t do normal.

Directed by Davide Manuli, the film is some kind of modern western riff on the strange but true story about the titular man who showed up randomly in Nuremberg in the early 1800s, saying he had been raised and educated in a dungeon, but never saw the outside world. Stage actress Silvia Calderoni takes the role of Kaspar, with Gallo as The Sheriff (speaking English) and The Pusher (speaking Italian), Claudia Gerini as the Duchess, Fabrizio Gifuni as the Priest, and Elisa Sednaoui as the Psychic.

The result? Well, two new trailers that reveal this is something that just has to be seen to be believed…or does it? We reviewed the movie at the Rotterdam Film Festival in 2012 and said that it was “a film [that] goes deeply, terribly wrong.” Though the score by French electronic act Vitalic is terrific. Anyway, check it out below along with some images from the movie. It opens in Italy in September but no word yet on a U.S. bow and don’t count on it either. [The Film Stage]


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  1. Trailers look awesome. Why don't more USA based directors cast Vincent Gallo? He is badly needed here in the USA. I'm sick of Johnny Depp, Ed Norton and those types.

  2. If that is really the director bravo for speaking out. I have seen the film and liked it. Mr. Gallo was especially brilliant in both his roles. Without very much make up change he came off as two really different characters. I would have enjoyed the film even more if he was in every scene. How was he to work with? What is he like as a person? Does he look young or old in person? I think he is real sexy. Anyway congratulations on your film.

  3. ‘The Legend of Kaspar Hauser’ Starring Vincent Gallo Is Trippy, Ludicrous, and Essential
    by Joshua Sperling / Film & TVJuly 23, 2012

    Davide Manuli’s The Legend of Kaspar Hauser (featuring Vincent Gallo as both a tweaker sheriff and bell-bottomed pusher) moves some efflorescent new-century product: some sticky-icky. The film is like a 90-minute hit of black and white nitrous; like a pre-Raphaelite vision shimmering above a Nevada shanty-town; like Bergman and Antonioni and all the great cinema masters reborn as an electro-trash raver kitten.

    “We live in 2012,” the dapper Manuli declared in an interview, “and it’s about time that hardcore techno music enters into hardcore art-house movies. Times have changed. Times must change.”


    With an original, heart-thumping soundtrack by the renowned producer Vitalic, Legend moves in step with new times. In a brilliant move of conceptual recyclage, Manuli tweaked the tale of the Bavarian wild-child (famously adapted by Werner Herzog in the 1970s) so that Kaspar is no longer a somber mystery but a delirious raver. Out with the lederhosen, in with the Adidas track suit! Added to the mix are two Vincent Gallos—one looking like he’s in the Allman Brothers, the other like he’s Jimi Hendrix—who compete for the desert island on whose shores the androgynous, delinquent Kaspar washes up. One of these doppleganging Gallos adopts the boy, locks him in a cage, and instructs him in the secret ways of the turntable (“Respect the mixer! Respect the mixer!”). Mules, models, disfigured midgets, and junkie priests similarly populate the island.

    With stunning one-shot takes, Legend raids both the Euro art-house backlot and the allegorical terrain of ’60s psychedelia. The result is a surprise so ludicrous, so profound, so …surprising, you’d have to go back to Jodorowsky’s cult film El Topo (and before that, Fellini, Dalí, even Duchamp) to find a similar force of impish, risible imagery.

    Even the austere Austrian (and patron-philosopher of the last century) Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote that “wisdom and humor overlap.” Laughter –– just like art-house movies and Italo-disco –– can be cathartic. Open yourself to this film; find it on the festival circuit before cult-status and ironic wall-projection claim its fate. Let the legend relinquish you from your rational, habit-numbed slumber, and rejoice.

  4. Dear Kevin Jagernauth,
    Honestly speaking your article "is a living joke":
    – First, it's not the Italian trailer, but the French one!…where the movie will be released on september 11th…so try at least to be specific and correct when you write something…
    – Second, the movie has been released theatrical in Russia, UK, Italy, and it going out in Germany (July 25th), France (September 11th), Poland (October 4th), ecc…
    – Third,…why do you say and write… "It opens in Italy in September but no word yet on a U.S. bow and don't count on it either."…you write – DON'T COUNT ON IT EITHER -.
    honestly speaking, you and Indiewire are just a bad joke.
    Tell your parents that the first rule they have to teach a real man in life…IS RESPECT.
    Ciao, The Director.

  5. Actually, this is a french trailer. The movie is going to be release in France on september 11th, in Germany in on july 25th, in Poland on october 4th. It has already been released in Italy on june 13th.


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