Sunday, September 29, 2024

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‘Wall-E’ Snubbed At The Annie Animation Awards

We now know why the abbreviation “WTF” was created! To explain how “Kung Fu Panda” swept the 36th annual Annie Awards (the Oscars for Animation basically), winning 15 categories and leaving its competitors, “Bolt,” and more importantly, “Wall-E,” empty-handed.

We would tell you to just ignore this mind-boggling flub, but since the Annie has predicted the winner for Best Animated Film all but ONCE since the category was introduced to the Oscar race, we’re still going to say ignore it anyway. There is no way in hell “Wall-E” is not going to win this thing, is there? It’s the surest bet for any category of the Oscars in who knows how long, and is definitely safer than any of Pixar’s previous winners, including the much adored “Finding Nemo.” Our guess is they we’re just wanting to be different /shocking or share the love (a Dreamworks animated film hadn’t won since 2002), but no matter the reason, they still look like idiots. “Wall-E” holds the record for the most Oscar noms for an animated film, and we wouldn’t be surprised if it wins all it’s up for. – Jonathan Helm

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  1. The Annie awards are voted on by members of ASIFA. You can buy membership for $50. DreamWorks buys each of it’s 1200 employees a membership and requires that they vote for the Annies.

    DreamWorks also make sure to have as many as possible Chairs on the nomination committee – which explains why three DreamWorks artists were nomintated in the ‘best animation’ category and only two other studios received mention.

    The Annies will no longer reflect the true measure of industry excellence any more. The audience at the Awards ceremony was greatly saddened by the DreamWorks presence and manipulation of the once joyful event.

  2. Both of these films were awful. The only reson they were nominated was because there just aren’t enough quality feature animated films out there.
    Only the first half of wall e was decent enough to sit through,(the live action was beyond ridiculous) and kung fu panda had far superior animation and design but the story was cliche and tired.
    In other words when films like bolt can say they’ve been nominated for an Academy Award !!!!!??? Then you know it’s been a shit year for animation, and it makes other not as shitty (but still really bad)films like kung fu panda and wall e stand out as “achievemnts” in animation.

  3. Wall-E’s was cute and magical at times, but I don’t think it’s certainly not the masterpiece or deep social commentary some seem to think it was. That said, I do think it should take Best Animated film, but talk that it should have put in the Best Picture category is crazy talk.

    I kinda wish no one would’ve ever spoke throughout the whole thing.

  4. Putting the actual film Wall-E aside, I will say the animation is ASTOUNDING! I don’t know how one can say Kung Fu Pande had “far superior” animation. It’s impossible. The Wall-E Bluray is now my go to disc, for anyone who wants an example of highdef. My mind gets blown with every frame of the film, especially the scenes on Earth.

  5. Sorry Gabe,
    I’m not trying to convince anyone it’s not a good movie. It’s just an opinion. I’ve worked as a director in animation for 12 years now, and none of my colleagues or employees has ever said they enjoyed wall e. Anyone I ever talked to about the film after they saw it says it falls apart half way through. As soon as we see the humans, and how they “evolved” along with everything else, from live action to cartoon.
    That said, it’ll probably win the oscar, because it tried to say something on a bigger level than a fat bear learning karate.
    Just because there are awards for best animated feature doesn’t mean they should have to fill the category. If there are no actually qualified films drop the category that year.
    If it was live action and all that came out that year was The Spirit, The Happening, and The Love Guru, would you drop the category or give out an oscar to one of these.

    As for the other ANONymous, I highly doubt every employee at dreamworks voted, and if they did good for them, because Pixar does the same, along with every other major animation studio.

  6. Cirkusfolk,
    it’s far easier to animate a mechanical object than a living breathing thing. Robots are the first thing you learn how to model and animate in a lot of schools beacuse it’s easy to make it feel human.

  7. “I’ve worked as a director in animation for 12 years now, and none of my colleagues or employees has ever said they enjoyed wall e.”

    Pixar backlash. Actually animation folks don’t like Pixar stuffs anymore. They hate it.

    Jealousy much.


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