Since picking up her first Oscar nomination when she stole the show in "Doubt," Viola Davis has developed into one of the most respected actresses in Hollywood — someone you know you can go to for a guaranteed good performance, no matter the role. And now that she's won that well-deserved Oscar for Best Actress the world is her oyster and we can't wait… Sorry, what's that? You're saying Davis didn't win? Meryl Streep did? Aww man. Well that sucks, but who knows, maybe Davis has just found the project that will see her take home the little golden bald man next time.
Davis is set to play the lead role in a Barbara Jordan biopic. If you're young and naive like this writer, then that name may not automatically ring any bells. Well Variety describes Barbara Jordan as "the booming voice of the nation's conscience during the Watergate hearings, and an African-American pioneer in politics and other areas." Ooh, okay, that sounds like a fairly meaty role, doesn't it. Davis will also produce the film alongside her husband, Julius Tennon, through their JuVee banner.
The story comes from the optioned biography, "Barbara Jordan: American Hero," and will track Jordan's ascent from a poor Houston neighborhood to an elected member of Congress. There's no script written yet, but as soon as there is then we'd expect the film to swiftly go into pre-production. While that's being written you'll be able to find us down at the bookmakers, placing a sizable bet on Davis winning the Oscar for Best Actress at the 2014 Academy Awards.
um….Streep won the Oscar not Davis, but we all know it was meant for her anyway.
I'm sure Viola Davis will get Barbara Jordan's voice and manner. I hope the director remembers that Jordan's imposing size mattered too. This sounds like a very good project for Davis.
Streep will win her 4th for August Osage County. This is a role that is simply too juicy to not snag Oscar no matter the comptetition…
DD-Your comment makes no sense at all. Streep won the Oscar for TIL because she gave a better performance than Davis (wig or no wig)…
Yes, she'd better be up against Meryl Streep in August: Osage County at the Oscar and snatch her wig!! Totally robbeddddd!