Well, if you've longed for the words Tyler Perry and "Prometheus" to appear in the same news story, today is your lucky day. It seems that Ridley Scott's sort of "Alien" world movie still has people talking, and opinions, as always, are fiercely divided. So leave it to Perry — the man who has made cross-dressing into a money-making machine — to weigh in with his own erudite thoughts on the film.
"I love Sci Fi, I love the 'Alien' movies and the 'Alien' franchise. I was very disappointed with 'Prometheus,' but I love that whole franchise," he told Blackfilm (via Collider). There's no word on exactly what he didn't dig about the movie (there are a few things to choose from, certainly) but never fear, because dude is going to put his own stamp on the genre: "I’m actually working on a sci-fi movie right now…. I’m writing a sci-fi movie that I’m really excited about," he said, while declining to elaborate.
"Madea Goes To Space"? God we hope so. But in fairness to Perry, we suppose it is intriguing that he's doing something well outside his usual wheelhouse. But then again, "Alex Cross" looks like a disaster so maybe he shouldn't keep the wigs and floral print dresses too far behind.
In related "Prometheus" news, the viral campaign continues, with a recruitment video that tips off fans that they will be able to join the Weyland Corporation at Comic-Con. No word on exactly what this is (remember, the date of October 11, 2012 has already been teased for…something) but in a few weeks, we'll surely find out.
Madea goes to Space. Madea vs Predator
If he knew about good S-F, he'd know that "sci-fi" is an olde, hated term by science-fiction writers…
Madea A Space Odyssey?
Madea Goes to Mars?
Alien vs. Madea?
Madea's Lost in Space?
I mean, com'n, the possibilities are ENDLESS!
Oh no, he didn't like the movie, well might as well burn it. Who cares. Great, make your own movie. Have fun with Alex Cross. That looks awful, and I don't think Fox was acting, just sayin. How about you take some notes on Ridleys films. And if you said you liked the whole franchise, that means you like Alien 4 and AVP 1-2, good for you.
Why would ANYONE want to see a Madea set in space? Hell, who wants to see a Madea film period?
Show some respect, Perry. At least Ridley Scott has made good films and not relied on gimmicks and an audience without tastes.
Please be Tyler Perry's Madea Vs. Predator.
I really could care less that Tyler Perry didn't like "Prometheus" (which I loved and thought was exquisitely made). This coming from someone who hasn't made one film with a fraction of the ambition and detail in "Prometheus"!
Prometheus was a beautiful and thought provoking film that asked a great question and rather than force answers at the end, Gave us the oppurtunity to think for ourselves. I would like to ask two questions. #1 When was the last time we seen this in a big summer film? and #2 When have we ever seen this in a Tyler Perry "film"?
He NEEDS his movie to be called Madetheus
A little reminder for Mr. Perry- the title "Brother From Another Planet" is already taken.
"Still waiting to enjoy a Tyler Perry movie" – Ridley Scott