Updates: we’ve got a better scan.
If all goes according to plan and if all goes well in the notoriously finicky editing room, Terrence Malick’s long-awaited, “The Tree Of Life,” (dubbed a “mystical epic”)will hit U.S. theaters on December 25 via the newly-named Apparition distributors according to Entertainment Weekly’s Fall Preview edition (here’s an improved scan that we tried to clean up a little bit in photoshop, the piece is obviously not online yet).
Makes complete sense since trade reports already said the film would hit sometime in December (or the “late holiday season,” but what else is that but December?).
Could Sony Pictures be somehow involved? Last week on a Johnny Depp message board, an observant reader noted that imaginariummovie.com, redirected to the Sony movies website and then a day later, Sony Pictures Classics announced they would distribute “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus” (a film that Depp co-stars in).
This week, a perceptive IMDB reader notes that www.thetreeoflife-movie.com was purchased by Sony Pictures last week, and now redirects to their website. Update: A fellow blogger tells us the original press release — which we didn’t receive — had info on the Sony connection, so we guess that’s that. There’s no mystery there.
Anyhow, “Tree Of Life,” an official date. Get hyped. Now all it has to do is live up to the tiny, little expectations. Sean Penn, Brad Pitt and Jessica Chastain star. People are wondering if 12/25 is a limited release and our guess is it is. How accurate is EW, well they’ve listed Michael Haneke’s “The White Ribbon,” as 12/30 and we definitely know that date’s confirmed and its also a limited date release for opening.
In the original press release announcing Apparition and the acquisition of Tree of Life, it mentioned: "The new banner has also formed an output relationship with Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Group (SPWAG) for all domestic ancillary rights."
Therefore Sony's involvement would make sense, especially in regards to marketing and distribution (creation of reels, relationships with theaters, etc). Just wanted to point that out, as it's not a long shot, but a reality that Apparition is working with Sony on their releases.
TylerR-Williamson on IMDB has better scans (including a fragment of a new image from the film) that reveal the release date to actually be December 25…which makes a lot more sense, considering it's a Friday.
Well we can all hope and pray, but let's not forget Harry Potter was on the cover of last years issue.