Monday, September 30, 2024

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Tommy Lee Jones Will Rule Japan As General Douglas MacArthur In ‘Emperor’

nullNeed someone who can act and bring the right amount of dignity and crankiness to a role? You call up Tommy Lee Jones. Dude can growl with the best of them, and now he's going to take on one of the most famous generals in American military history.

Tommy Lee Jones has landed the role of General Douglas MacArthur, joining the recently cast Matthew Fox in "Emperor." The film, helmed by Peter Webber ("The Girl With the Pearl Earring," "Hannibal Rising"), blends romance with a drama involving the question of whether Emperor Hirohito, Japan's wartime leader, should be prosecuted and hanged for war crimes. Fox will play General Bonner Fellers, who is tasked with making the decision, but is distracted by his search for the Japanese girl he fell in love with back in the States before the war. During this time, MacArthur was essentially the ruler of Japan, helping the country rebuild after World War II. We're sure this will give Jones plenty of opportunity to scowl.

Filming begins this month in New Zealand and Japan. [Variety]

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  1. ——Surely the Incheon landing and saving –some– of little Korea
    from the MAO–ist Halocaust, and NOT peacetime chores in Japan,
    rate as MacArthur's absolutely FINEST HOUR.

    Hollywood continues to BURY without a trace the
    ———————–and NOW 60th Anniversary
    of the awesomely relevant, awesomely REAL

    ——————-KOREAN WAR———————–.


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