Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Tom Hanks Is ‘Reclaiming History’ With JFK Assassination TV Series

Tom Hanks has revealed to Time that he has acquired the rights to Vincent Bugliosi’s massive 1612 page tome, “Reclaiming History: The Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy.” The book, which made waves when it was released in 2007, is an exhaustively researched argument that posits that there was no conspiracy in the JFK assassination, and that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman.

No matter how authoritative the argument, the JFK assassination (and the subsequent assassination of his brother) will never be completely settled in the American mindset. Hanks aims to do that though in an adaptation (a documentary mini-series would be a safe bet) he hopes to air on TV in 2013, “We’re going to do the American public a service,” Hanks says. “A lot of conspiracy types are going to be upset. If we do it right, it’ll be perhaps one of the most controversial things that has ever been on TV.”

He’s certainly not wrong there. The JFK assassination has spawned reams of books, countless films (most notably, Oliver Stone’s “JFK”) and continues to fascinate. Hanks’ forthcoming project will certainly add a considerable dimension to the ongoing debate.

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  1. In a age of obvious lies for "the sake of national security", it is perhaps not surprising that Hanks would want to cynically cash in by knowingly promulgating what amounts to a re-hash of the Warren Report, and try to sell it as controversy.

    The only question worth asking is why all "non-official" versions get immediately slammed out-of-hand as "conspiracy theories", while a project like this gets a green light and mountains of cash.

    Hanks is a media whore. And unless he directs it too, I can't imagine who would want to put their name on such apologist trash.

    Way to put a festering puss boil cap on your career, Hanks.

  2. I just read the Bugliosi book from cover to cover. I am 50 years old and have always believed there was some sort of conspiracy involving the CIA and/or the Mafia killing JFK for payback for the disaster at the Bay of Pigs. However, after reading the book, I am 100% convinced that there was no conspiracy. A warped little man, a lifetime spent looking to make a name for himself, LHO was the lone shooter. He missed in killing General Edwin Walker a few months earlier, and JFK was just another politician coming to town that he could attempt to shoot, thereby gaining notoriety for himself and his Fair Play for Cuba fantasy. Thank you Vince, for digging for the unbiased truth.

  3. I started out 25 years ago reading every book and watching every video i could. It fascinated me. I have over 250 books, videos and other items in my "collection" including the 26 volumes of the Warren Report Hearings

    I was convinced at that time that the only answer was a conspiracy. Some were kooky, but i didn't dismiss any out of hand. After reading "Reclaiming History", a slow transformation from conspiracy theorist to lone nut believer was complete. The book thouroghly examines every little bit of information and puts it all together in a big picture.

    It is a tremendous book and i am anxious to see how well it translates to a documentary.

  4. Well, there is only one unanswered question. One that Vincent Bogliosi didn't answer. Where was Oswald going, what was his escape plan? Without that answer, there will always be a possibility of a conspiracy.

  5. Tom Hanks gets massive kudos for undertaking this one and speaking the truth to the American public.
    I hope he'll appear in this somewhere (I think he would be perfect as Dallas Police chief Jesse Curry, whose experience that weekend rivaled any Greek tragedy).
    It will be one in the face for the conspiracy buffs, Bugliosi's book nails the coffin shut on all of the craziness that has been foisted off on my generation for nearly 50 years.

  6. "Well, there is only one unanswered question. One that Vincent Bogliosi didn't answer. Where was Oswald going, what was his escape plan? Without that answer, there will always be a possibility of a conspiracy."

    This… this doesn't even make sense.

    And one might argue that we know his escape plan… He didn't have one. Why else would he leave his life savings and wedding ring at home?


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