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Time Magazine Names Michael Haneke’s ‘Amour’ The Best Film Of 2012

nullWhile "Zero Dark Thirty" seems to be the movie to beat at the moment, another picture is slowly gaining momentum. The punishing yet beautiful "Amour" is not only poised to be a major player in the Foreign Language category at the Oscars, but many think it could sneak into the Best Picture race as well. And indeed, Time magazine seems to be in love in with it.

After his colleague earned headlines for naming "Cloud Atlas" the worst film of 2012, Time Magazine's Richard Corliss has dropped his best films of 2012, and Michael Haneke's picture tops the list. Among the usual batch of expected titles, there are a few interesting things to note. Once again, the superhero movie of choice for critics seems to be "The Dark Knight Rises" over "The Avengers." Paul Thomas Anderson's "The Master" continues to be a no-show, but Corliss did have room for some oddball entries. Todd Solondz's "Dark Horse"? The martial arts movie with barely any martials arts in it, "Dragon" (formerly known as "Wu Xia")? "Frankenweenie"? Really?

Anyway, discuss and debate below. Here's the ten. 

Time Magazine's Best Films Of 2012

1. Amour (review)
2. Beasts Of The Southern Wild (review)
3. Life Of Pi (review)
4. Anna Karenina (review)
5. The Dark Knight Rises (review)
6. Zero Dark Thirty (review)
7. Dark Horse (review)
8. Dragon (review)
9. Frankenweenie (review)
10. The Invisible War (review)

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  1. For sure such kinda "lists" have sort of sub context intead of pure art/cinematic perspectives. But I agree with this list, this is a good one.

  2. I disagree with most of his list, but I give him major props for naming Dark Horse, which is a great movie that got no attention. Todd Solondz is a a genius, and a singular, totally original presence is American cinema. He deserves more adulation.

  3. Can someone please explain to me the kick to be found in Beasts of the Southern Wild? I just don't get it? And I agree with the others re Cloud Atlas, the worst really?

  4. I went back and read Corliss' review. Interesting, he spends the first half of his 'Cloud Altas' movie review talking about Lana Wachowski and her transgender. It really has nothing to do with the film at all.

    As a film critic myself, 'Cloud Atlas' is a masterwork. It is the most daring and ambitious film of 2012. To dismiss it as the 'worst' film of the year is laughable. Corliss brings up Kubrick's film '2001: A Space Odyssey' in his review. I've screened that film to audiences and found out that film was panned by critics when it first hit movie theatres in 1968. Furthermore, MGM wanted to yank '2001' after just a few weeks in theatres due to poor ticket sales but the film took on a cult status among college students. As we all know, it is now considered a classic. 'Cloud Atlas' will be appreciated more over time as well. This film will be on my top ten list.

  5. Going into Cloud Atlas knowing nothing about the storyline or the film except for what the trailer showed me, I was captivated and went back to see it a second time and plan on seeing it again this week. That movie was amazing in all aspects of film from the story to the acting to the visuals it created. It's a shame it's not getting the love it deserves.

  6. I am bewildered why people – in this instance, Kevin – are bewildered why 'The Master' is not in THIS LIST or THAT LIST. It's a freakin' Top Ten list: i.e. an individual picks THEIR FAVOURITE films of the year. Egads, so someone, somewhere, decided to not pick 'The Master': this is some kind of tragedy. And 'Dark Horse' was picked because the choices in that film are informed by the story, and the story itself is a rewarding one. (Although The Playlist criticised it because it is, like, a Kevin James movie or something).

  7. Why on Earth is TDKR making top 10 lists? It's pretty good but way too messy and flawed to actually be considered for best of the year, especially in a year with a LOT of great pictures.

  8. In a year that had The Master and Holy Motors, how/why are people losing their shit over Amour? It's solid and well-made but this kind of praise is just baffling.


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