“We have a rule that we’re not allowed to go more than two or three shots of anonymous people fighting without cutting back to our principal characters,” Peter Jackson told EW. “Otherwise the audience just ends up with battle fatigue.” And with the magazine reporting that "The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies" will cap off with a 45-minute battle sequence, it’s at least good to know that the director is trying to make sure we remain engaged by the CGI onslaught. That said, it’s easy to forget that this kind of stuff takes a helluva lot of planning.
“There’s a lot of logistics that have to be thought through,” Jackson says of the epic action scene which will take place at the base of The Lonely Mountain. “We have dwarves and men and elves and orcs, all with different cultures, with different weapons, and different shields and patterns and tactics.”
“Before we could loose the first arrow, we had to design the landscape itself and figure out, ‘Okay, if we have 10,000 orcs, how much room are they going to take up?’ ” he added. “ ‘Are they going to fill up the valley or look like a speck?’ Then we could start drawing the arrows on the schematics.”
Below, you can see the concept art and planning work that went into ‘Armies.’ The film opens on December 17th. And oh, another reason you might want to see it? According to Forbes, the first teaser trailer for "Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice" is expected to unspool in front of it.
After reading all these comments, it appears that many of the people commenting haven\’t read the "Hobbit" or "Lord of the Rings". These books were very "wordy" and gave the reader a good view of the characters and the world they lived in. In some respects, they bogged down in spots, but in the end the reader got a better understanding of the stories. It took me more than 45 minutes to read the story of the Battle of Five Armies in the "Hobbit", so the movie will just give me more perception on what the war was like.
The trailer was good already. I cannot wait until I can watch the whole \’Tolkien Serie\’. I did love LotR more then the Hobbit movies but BotFA will probebly be huge.
It would only be satisfactory if Jackson concluded the final movie from Middle-Earth with an epic
I already have battle fatigue just reading about this. The last movie was a total bore until the dragon woke up. The last third of the film was the only part worth watching. I appreciate the attention to detail with the production values, but Jackson spends no time developing the characters, so it\’s like watching cardboard cutouts with CGI figures, no heart, no soul, you can\’t care about them.
TDK bank robbery was before i am legend TDKR plane hijack was before mission impossible ghost protocol now batman v superman is before The Hobbit 3
45 minutes of horrible CGI, and ridiculous fight scenes. After two greatest disappointments, I am not willing to watch it.
Can\’t wait to see it
I\’m gonna guess that everyone who hasn\’t seen the film (cause it\’s not been released yet) will automatically vomit out the same old memes that were invented for Jackson\’s Hobbit films. Blah blah blah it\’s too long…blah blah blah…it should never have been three films…blah blah blah…Jackson is such a hack…I\’m so glad no original thoughts will be forthcoming from the armchair critics of unreleased films.
I\’m gonna guess like everything else in this "trilogy" the 45 minute battle would\’ve been MUCH more effective if it only lasted 15 minutes.
Plus after 2 films I still can\’t tell 8 of the Dwarves apart so it won\’t help whenever he cuts back to those ones.