Monday, October 21, 2024

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That American Remake Of ‘Let The Right One In’ You Dreaded? Too Late, It’s Started

There’s no going back now. Well, barring a strike or an act of God, that is.

Overture is the bearer of bad news (though they’re obviously happy): “Let Me In,” the American remake of the heralded Swedish film “Let the Right One In,” has started shooting today in New Mexico as reported by Overture Films’ press release. Though the existence of the Matt Reeves-directed film is painful enough, the shooting location of Albuquerque, New Mexico, is salt in the still-bleeding, fang-shaped wound. With all its stark concrete and snowy shadows, “Let the Right One In”‘s Swedish suburban setting heightened the tale of a 12-year-old outcast who befriends his neighborhood vampire. We can’t imagine that Albuquerque will work as well thematically, to say nothing of visually. Blood-drenched sand just can’t have the same creepy beauty that the Swedish snow did. Was Minnesota booked?

On the casting front, Kodi Smit-McPhee (“The Road”), Chloe Moretz (“(500) Days of Summer”), and the always awesome Richard Jenkins have been announced as the boy, the vampire, and her handler, respectively, but new arrivals are mentioned with the start of principal photography. Talented character actor and familiar face Elias Koteas (“Zodiac”) has been cast as the investigating police officer, but even film fans might have to Google the other additions: Cara Buono and Sasha Barrese. Buono’s resume boasts a recurring part on “The Sopranos,” and she’ll play the boy’s mother. Meanwhile Barrese was the (rightfully) panicky fiancée in summer sleeper “The Hangover,” and here she takes on the role of Virginia, a part we’re not even sure was in the original, outside of maybe a school teacher.
We think it’s smart to avoid the A-list in casting, and we agree with the sophomore director’s taste — “Let the Right One In” was one of last year’s strongest films, genre or no — but the decision to remake it seems misguided. While “Cloverfield” was a fun diversion, “Let the Right One In” plumbs to far greater depths, that Reeves might not be able to reach. As fun as the film was, J.J. Abrams was the brand name attached to “Cloverfield,” not the then-unknown Reeves. We’re not praying for a natural disaster here, but a “Lost in La Mancha”-level mishap or two might keep Reeves and Co. from profaning a truly remarkable film. — Kimber Myers

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  1. Baresse is probably the townie who **spoiler alert** falls victim to tiny vampire.

    How about that title though? It sounds whiny and like it should be followed by an exclamation point. Hopefully these guys don't drop the ball on the thoughtful and rather quiet pace that made the original so poignant

  2. Yeah, i agree with you guys this shit is getting old…
    Of course there is always the exception to the rule, i don't know about the rest, but i loved "The Departed", another remake from a foreign film.
    But, Reeves is no Scorcese…

  3. As a big fan of Let the Right One In, I'm willing to give this — and Matt Reeves — a chance. Did anyone think Peter Jackson had a Heavenly Creatures in him after the mindless pleasures of Braindead and Meet the Feebles?

  4. You can't always blame the director, I can see producer meddling like "Umm, a recent poll showed audiences aren't comfortable with seeing a child suck adult blood? It's too borderline pedophiliac? So, um, we're going to have to, like, NEVER show anyone being bitten? And the morally ambiguous ending has to be changed, so that the vampire is brought to justice, and a research report shows teen audiences want a tweenage boy to identify with, so we're making him older… digitally? Plus, you are right, Kimber, what kind of dumbass idea is it to move everything to the desert? Like there hasn't been 800 American southwest vampire movies already?

  5. i really don't like the tone of this article. there is nothing at stake here. there is absolutely no need to PRAY for a MAJOR DISASTER to prevent this movie from being made. i think the original is one of the best movies of the decade but i welcome some taking another stab at it. maybe it'll be good. or interesting. or interestingly bad. the fuck, playlist? i'm sick of this attitude of 'if you fuck up the remake it tarnishes the originaaaaaaaallllll bleh'. whatever. nothing will change the original masterpiece. particularly if they're setting it in fucking albuquerque. it won't even look the same. jesus cock balls. what a pathetic attitude.

  6. Don't get me wrong: I'd love for the film to succeed and bring even more fans to the gorgeous, haunting Let the Right One In. But if it fails a la "Breathless" and "Wings of Desire"/"City of Angels," I can't imagine too many people leaving the theater thinking, "Wow, that was horrible. Let me check out the movie that inspired it!"

  7. "But if it fails a la "Breathless" and "Wings of Desire"/"City of Angels," I can't imagine too many people leaving the theater thinking, "Wow, that was horrible. Let me check out the movie that inspired it!""

    way more people have seen the original breathless than the remake though. the remake is just a sorry footnote in the annals of film history. no one cares. maybe at the time it didn't feel so good but the original remains a classic today. that's the great thing about classics. they can withstand time, whereas garbage cannot. if someone decides never to see let the right one in despite the intense critical praise based on their viewing of let me in, i doubt they would've ever made plans to see the original in the first place. and if let me in is truly that terrible, no one will remember it in a year's time.

    "Wow, sorry about that Tom. We'll change this immediately so it's more to your liking. ;)"

    is that a joke? how can you be a writer for one of the best film blogs on the internet and not understand how criticism works? obviously i'm not asking you to change the article. i'm criticizing it. by commenting. using the comment button you installed at the base of it. i'm discussing the merits of your position. don't flip me off with a silly all-purpose sentence and a sarcastic wink. i'm your audience. engaging you in a discussion. again i ask what the fuck?

  8. clearly, but isn't the essential message of that joke "you're making ridiculous accusations we can't do anything about, please stop doing as such"? you are avoiding everything i said and painting me as someone who expects everything to be changed for their tastes.

  9. I suppose. but if you call my attitude "pathetic," I'm probably going to tell you to go fuck yourself. It's as simple as that.

    People feel like they're allowed to say whatever the hell they want in comments sections, but the owner of the blog somehow has to take the higher road. Sorry, but no.

    And also "Let The Right One" is is not one of the best movies of the decade. It didn't even make my top 20 of 2008. It's a good little film. That's all.

  10. alright. i used inappropriate language, but i was making a valid point about the general, default attitude people have towards remakes. not just slapping you about. my point shouldn't be simply ignored/dismissed because i was a tad vulgar about it.

    and yes it is. it made my top 20.


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