In an era when we’re going to get a “22 Jump Street“/”Men In Black” crossover movie, it’s good to know that studio executives aren’t just mashing up everything they possibly can (and as we recently detailed, chasing IP entertainment may not be a sustainable model). And thus, while this weekend’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out Of The Shadows” (our review) apparently contains a wink to “Transformers,” producer Brad Fuller assures everyone that the two Michael Bay produced franchises won’t be crossing over anytime soon.
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“I will say that in this ‘Turtle’ movie there is a tangential moment that the ‘Transformers’ fans will enjoy. At this point, and I hate this, but at this point I can’t see any kind of crossover. There’s never been talk of that,” he told Screen Rant.
“It feels to me like we need to do a lot more work before we get to that stage. First, I would think we want to make, if we’re lucky enough to have another ‘Turtle’ movie beyond this one, I don’t know why we would start doing a crossover until it felt like the storylines had been played out in the ‘Turtle’ world,” Fuller add.
So, if you’re dreaming of Autobots, Decepticons, and Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello mixing it up in the same movie, you might just want to grab a slice of pizza and keep dreaming. And really, thank goodness, because I think the last thing anybody’s eyeballs needs is a blitzkrieg of CGI turtles and robots and explosions.
Practically speaking, it makes sense not to dilute the two brands, at least not at this point, particularly when standalone “Transformers” movies are still making $1 billion and more at the box office. But should those numbers start to slip? Well, we wouldn’t rule anything out from the mind of Michael Bay….
The kind of thing that would sell copies of comic books, not so much movie tickets.