Friday, January 31, 2025

Got a Tip?

‘Terminator Salvation’ Teaser Trailer is Teaser-y, Choppy, And McG-y In Its… Ah We Give Up…

Damn, we were just about to post this teaser-trailer for “Terminator:Salvation: The Future Begins” and then Sony Pictures Entertainment pulled it off of YouTube because of, get this, copyright infringement, pffft, it’s the interweb, man!

You could wait this Friday to see in in theaters with “The Dark Knight,” but…

No worries, Yahoo trailers has it and it’s, well, kind of choppy in that ‘Blair-Witch’-y, McG-way, replete with fuzzy, clipped video-footage that’s losing its signal, there’s a bunch of burned out buildings and a few quick shots of the newly shorn Christian Bale as the new John Connor; once played by Edward Furlong (“T2”) and once played by Nick Stahl (in a movie called “T3” which you never saw).

There’s not a lot to it and then at the end a Terminator monster with wings or something comes out of the water and scares poor Christian Bale (“This is not the future my mother warned me about!” sounds like a PSA for the apocalypse). If this is the most phoned in post of the week, either blame it on the late-day hour or the fact that we don’t really give a shit about a fourth Terminator film (but maybe we will when we’re good and ready and someone can suspend our disbelief that McG can make a good movie).

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