While it can sometimes seem that Sundance heralds the arrival of new talent from out of nowhere, it’s often forgotten that the festival fosters young filmmakers long before they are on anyone’s radar. And so it goes for filmmaker Ariel Kleinman, who hit the Sundance Institute Directors and Screenwriters Lab in 2012 to work on his debut feature "Partisan." And now, nearly three years later, the hard work has paid off, and with a premiere in Park City on the horizon, the first clip from the film has arrived.
Vincent Cassel stars in the movie, but it actually centers on young actor Jeremy Chabriel — here’s the official synopsis: Partisan is a provocative fable about 11-year-old Alexander, who, raised to see the world through his parent’s eyes, is starting to think for himself.
And this first, dialogue-free look is great stuff, with Cassel wearing a mask of emotion that suggests deep pain or turmoil. And the hand-held work teases at a drama delivered with some immediacy. Count us as intrigued. No U.S. distributors for this one yet, but watch the clip below and check out some new pics too.
Yeah real "discovery" all put together at Sundance Labs, I suppose they will "Award Their own film also like "Beast of the Southern Wild". Sundance is a rip-off, 12,000 films submitted, 6 head programmers, and a law suit against them for "fraud and theft of submission fees" and Indiewire mentions NOTHING about it for over 4 years now, yeah your real Indy and for all of us Indy filmmakers aren\’t you?
yeah, that camera"work" is…distracting
Who gave this clip the stedi-treatment?