Monday, March 3, 2025

Got a Tip?

‘Stop Loss’ Iraq Film Uses Inappropriate AWESOME! Dunderheaded Song To Smack You Over Head With Message?

One can probably safely argue that Kimberly Peirce is a thoughtful, smart filmmaker. Or at least most could generally agree with that assesement after seeing her striking feature-length debut, “Boys Don’t Cry” – the true story of a transgendered teen Brandon Teena, as played by horseface Hilary Swank that went on to win the Best Actress Oscar that year (1999). Yes? Sure.

But if you’re to watch the trailer of her long-overdue follow-up Iraq-war film “Stop Loss” that’s due in March, you might think you’re watching the work of an entirely different filmmaker.

For one, by barely watching the trailer, we can assume this film is about young Americans at war and ostensibly, young Americans at war losing their lives (and in all cliched likelyhood their innocence), yes? While we’re not jingoist patriots or sensitive prudes, does it not occur to anyone that using metal mooks Drowning Pool’s deeply retarded, and lowest-common denominator testosterone-fest “Bodies,” – with it’s refrain, “let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor” – might just be a tad, inappropriate?

Sure, it’s an MTV Film for one, and sure the producers and filmmakers are trying to be provocative. But even Brian DePalma had better sense and if you’re using him as any baraometer with taste, class and good sense and you’re failing the grade, you’re in serious fucking trouble.

The trailer then moves into cheesy, slow-motion territory with flag-waving scenes set to fucking fromage torch bearers Snow Patrol (“Open Your Eyes”) and you really feel like they’re in trouble. Ok, we’re not saying, “Boys Don’t Cry” was genius and we’re not saying Peirce is Orson Welles circa “Citizen Kane,” but this trailer feels troublesome. Did they hand it overly entirely to MTV producers? Did Peirce just lose her mind in the last eight years that she wasn’t releasing films?

“Stop-Loss” stars Ryan Phillippe, Abbie Cornish, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Channing Tatum, and as Jon Stewart reminded everyone near the beginning of this year’s Oscar telecast, Iraq war films (“In The Valley Of Elah,” “Grace Is Gone,” “Redacted”) were basically completely ignored by the viewing public, critics, Academy voters and essentially even those with copious free time and money to burn.

Update: Alrighty, alrighty! We hear you. Mea culpa. Comments are closed.

Watch: “Stop Loss” trailer

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  1. While I agree that it’s a crap song, the truth is that it is listened to by soldiers in Iraq fairly regularly. So I can understand its use in the film.

    It would be like Apocalypse Now without Paint It Black.

  2. To whomsoever wrote this article…you should have done your research before you said anything. If you had done your research you would know that it is a very appropriate song for this movie. My father was stationed in Iraq and Drowning Pool came to do a concert and a lot of the men and women serving our country got a boost of confidence from this song. They are in the middle of a war zone…nobody wants to hear mariah carey or some other artist singing a sad song. Its war its not pretty but its life! And i suggest you research all your talking points because they arent worth shit! Unless you have gone to war or sat down with the men and women serving our country and listened to their stories for hours i suggest you keep your mouth shut! You have no idea what goes on in the middle of a warzone. Its good for the american public to see what these men and women serving our country and their families go through on a regular basis. You have no idea what its like to watch the news and hear about troops being deployed longer or killed just before they go home. This song isnt inappropriate! Its completely and utterly apt for this movie. Its important for the american public to see it all. No matter if its cliche or not!

  3. Thats damn right whoever wrote the anonymous one! I do not have any direct family in the war but i know many close friends who are over there defending our freedom. And to whoever wrote that first comment, you can shove that shit right back up your ass. You ought to be thanking your lucky stars that you live in a nation where you are free and there are people that defend this country with there lives. To every man and woman in the United States Military, Thank You!

  4. Our freedom isn’t in jeopardy, why do people still say that? NOBODY has troops deployed in our country, is trying to over throw our government, etc. My boyfriend is in his second deployment there and yes, they do listen to this type of music and it is appropriate. Some may frown at the inappropriateness of the music they listen to (it is rather violent at times) but I don’t give a damn- whatever brings him home to me. But the troops know it as much as much of the county does- the US has never been nor is presently having our freedom threatened. We were the victim of a horrific terrorist attack but even that didn’t for a second jeopardize our way of life.

  5. this movie was amazing. The soundtrack went with everypart of the movie from courtesy of the red white and blue to Bodies it made perfect sense. By the end of the movie you feel aware of the war in Iraq and the problems it has caused. No one wants our soldiers to be in there.

  6. Hunter, WTF are you talking about? Defending whose freedom in Iraq? For Christ’s sake we’ve slaughtered 100k+ civilians, littered their country with radioactive waste, and have decimated their infrastructure… while neglecting yours at home. Who the hell is this God damned war protecting? It sure as hell isn’t us or the Iraqis!

  7. I was there, I fought, and I like the song, as far as slaughtering civilians you can go fuck yourself. It’s either us or them in most situations and I am damn sure I am not the one coming home in body bag because you might not agree with what we are doing.

  8. It’s about time someone made a movie about some of the shit we go thru when we get back, as for the soundtrack it is cliche’d but whatever, we all have songs to get us thru some of the pain, whatever it is, either being away from our kids and wives and mothers and fathers or getting shot at in a place we don’t really want to be.

  9. I agree about the sad songs, our men and women don’t need anymore depression and sadness that they don’t already have. They already miss their families, why make it worse, they need to keep their minds sharp to stay alive, and i believe “Bodies” is appropriate for this movie. I’m not being heartless,that is the last thing i would ever do in this kind of situation, my boyfriend is over there and I want him to keep his mind sharp so he can come home to me and all the soldiers come home to their families.


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